Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Representing the 1st District of California
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Foreign Affairs

American foreign policy must focus on promoting freedom, building strong alliances with our allies, and showing strength to our enemies. While foreign aid is an essential tool for diplomacy and providing humanitarian aid, we should never provide funds to countries that do not share our values or support the United States.

The Middle East is in a state of constant chaos and turmoil. Governments are falling and Iran’s dangerous pursuit of nuclear weapons is re-shaping the political landscape. American national security interests are at risk and our nation’s trusted ally, Israel, continues to be the target of hostile neighbors.

The United States must make it clear that a nuclear Iran is not an option. I fully support aggressive diplomacy and crippling sanctions in dealing with this dangerous regime that continues to make belligerent threats against Israel.

Israel is more than just the only stable democracy in the region, a nation that shares our values, and a source of critical intelligence. Israel is one of our closest allies and I will never waver in my commitment to providing them with American support and funding to protect their people and continue to be a beacon of peace and liberty in the most dangerous part of the world.

For more information concerning my work and views on Foreign Affairs issues, please contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.