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Congressman Johnson named to House Judiciary Committee

January 11, 2017
Press Release



WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee welcomed Congressman Mike Johnson (R-La.) as a new member to the committee for the 115th Congress.


“I am delighted by this appointment because the Judiciary Committee handles some of the nation’s most important issues, and many that I have been working on my entire career,” said Johnson.


Johnson, who was sworn into Congress on January 3, is a nationally recognized constitutional law attorney, and previously served as co-chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Louisiana House of Representatives.  


“I am pleased to welcome Mike Johnson to our committee,” said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.). “Our committee will continue advancing a pro-growth agenda that is focused on making America stronger and more competitive. Congressman Johnson will certainly play an important role in achieving these goals and I look forward to working with him.”


The Judiciary Committee is often referred to as “the lawyer for the House of Representatives” because of its broad jurisdiction over matters relating to the administration of justice in federal courts, administrative bodies, law enforcement agencies, espionage, terrorism, the protection of civil liberties, constitutional amendments, immigration and naturalization, interstate compacts, and oversight of the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, among other areas.  Due to the legal nature of the committee’s work it has been customary for its members to have a legal background.  The committee’s weighty agenda has frequently placed it in a central role in American politics.


Additional committee assignments for Johnson and other new members are expected to be announced this week.


Johnson was elected on December 10, 2016, to serve Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District by the largest margin of victory in his region in more than 50 years.  More information on Johnson and the 4th District can be found at:


