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  1. Recent reports of potential cross contamination at the Buffalo VA are disturbing and alarming. I am committed to getting to the bottom of this problem and have asked the Department of Veteran Affairs Inspector General to conduct an independent review of the Buffalo VA & get to the root of this issue so that it never happens again. Our veterans deserve better from their government.
  2. Humbled to once again take the oath in our Nation’s Capitol and begin representing the new NY-26. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to represent southern Erie and Chautauqua counties and I am very proud of the work that we did there. I am looking forward to meeting new Western New Yorkers and taking on new challenges in Erie and Niagara Counties.
  3. More than 17 million people lost loved ones, homes, businesses or were otherwise directly affected by the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy. Recovery will be a long and challenging road for our neighbors in the Northeast only made more... difficult by the Speaker’s decision to turn his back on those hurting most. Congress acted swiftly in 2005, approving aid for the victims of Hurricane Katrina in just 10 days. Today Hurricane Sandy victims are caught in the eye of another storm, a political storm, waiting way too long - 65 days and counting - for the necessary relief to begin the rebuilding process. I am proud to represent the great state of New York and my home community of Western New York in Congress but I am not proud of Congress’ failure to look out for those in need. New York is always there for America, and the House needs to be there for New York.See More
  4. Yesterday’s vote gave us a partial solution to a comprehensive problem. The American people and businesses need certainty and lasting solutions. Instead brinksmanship continues to create real damage on our economy and financial markets. In... order to compete in an increasingly global market we have to invest in America. The economy has a growth problem and Washington should be doing something about it.

    In the coming months Congress must address three matters crucial to our economy: Avoid sequestration, which would impose reckless spending cuts on every federal program with devastating economic impact; raise the nation's debt ceiling, which does not authorize a dime of spending and only promises to repay what has already been spent; and approve funding to keep the government running. Normally such obviously important matters would be disposed of quickly, without drama, and would not be cause for concern. But for the past two years the House of Representatives has been dominated by a tea party faction fueled by vitriol, and incapable of meeting the basic duties of governing, leading us time and again to the precipice of government shutdown or debt default. This is not a responsible way to govern. America can and should do better. Compromise and cooperation is the only way forward for our country.
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  5. Today I spoke on the House Floor urging leaders to reach a deal that will put aside partisanship and develop lasting solutions. Spending cuts will have real effects on real communities, including to Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, and Moog in Western New York.
  6. Be it Christmas Eve or any other day of the year, our selfless first responders are there in an emergency. Today firefighters not far from Western New York answered the call to save others, as they always do, and sadly became a target. It's truly unconscionable that those who live their lives to help others with dedication and without prejudice are met with actions so hurtful and destructive. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims' families, friends and colleagues.
  7. I am pleased that language to keep C-130 aircraft at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station was included in the National Defense Authorization Act conference report. Today I spoke from the House Floor to advocate for final passage of this agreement.
  8. Last night our legislation to investigate Hezbollah’s activities in North America was passed in the House of Representatives. Having already been approved by the Senate, it now heads to the president’s desk for his signature. This is an important bill for Western New York, and for our nation’s security.
  9. During Hurricane Sandy, hospitals and medical centers that use electronic medical records were able to ensure that valuable information was maintained, providing patients with continuity of care. The benefits of electronic medical records during natural disasters, like Sandy, are an important reason to expand use of electronic medical records, in addition to improving quality of patient care and reducing health care costs.
  10. Maintaining the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station’s C-130 fleet is important to our community and to our nation’s security. Kathy Hochul, Louise Slaughter, and I sent a letter to conferees for the National Defense Authorization Act asking to include the language that passed the House of Representatives protecting the C-130 aircraft fleet.

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