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Representative Dwight Evans

Representing the 2nd District of Pennsylvania

Statement by Congressman Dwight Evans on House Res 11

January 5, 2017
Press Release

The United States always has been, and always will be a strong ally of Israel. I believe and hope that we can use that relationship to foster a meaningful peace agreement that brings about an end to terrorism and violent disputes over territory in Israel and Palestine. I am convinced that the U.S. and Israel must always work together, even when they may disagree, to establish a just and lasting peace. With that in mind, I believe that House Resolution 11 does not advance this goal in a meaningful way. While I understand the concern that my colleagues feel for the potential to misinterpret the language of U.N. Security Resolution 2334, that resolution changes nothing in any substantive way. Moreover, criticism of Israel’s actions cannot reasonably be taken as unconditional support for the actions of the various Palestinian actors. For this reason, I voted “present.”  

I will continue to promote substantive dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians at every opportunity that arises.