Congressman John Delaney

Representing the 6th District of Maryland
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Feb 15, 2013 Press Release

Delaney Sponsors Legislation to Improve Access to Capital for Savings and Loan Holding Companies

Feb 15, 2013 Press Release

Delaney: Targeting of Federal Employees Unnecessary Distraction, Wrong Approach to Deficit Reduction

Feb 15, 2013 Press Release

Delaney Named to Joint Economic Committee

Feb 13, 2013 Press Release

Delaney Applauds President’s Focus on Economy and Infrastructure in State of the Union
Delaney Announced Monday That He Will Introduce Infrastructure Funding Legislation

Congressman John K. Delaney releases the following statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

Feb 11, 2013 Press Release

For Immediate Release: February 11, 2013
Contact: Will McDonald 202-225-2721


Delaney to Introduce Infrastructure Funding Legislation


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