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Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro

Representing the 3rd District of Connecticut

DeLauro Statement on CBO Report Detailing Devastating Effects of ACA Repeal

January 18, 2017
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC (January 18, 2017) Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released the following statement regarding a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that highlighted the effects of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Under the CBO’s analysis, repealing the ACA would result in an estimated 18 million people losing health insurance in 2018, with that number rising to 32 million by 2026. Repealing the ACA would also result in health insurance premiums spiking 20-25 percent over the next year.

“The CBO’s report on repealing the Affordable Care Act makes it abundantly clear, what devastating effects repealing the healthcare law will have on the American people. For years, Democrats, including myself, have warned that repealing the ACA without a replacement will result in more Americans losing health coverage. Yet here we are, with Republicans starting the repeal process and about to take health insurance out of the hands of 18 million people next year, and 32 million within the next ten years.

“Not only do Congressional Republicans insist on moving forward with repealing the ACA, they are doing so without providing a plan for a replacement. Do not believe President-elect Trump for one second when he says that he is close to releasing a detailed plan. House Republicans have said for seven years that they are finalizing a replacement plan, and yet here we are with nothing—not a single detail on how they will keep more than 18 million Americans from losing their health insurance.

“According to Families USA, repealing the ACA would give the 400 highest income families in the U.S. an average tax cut of $7 million a year. It would rob millions of families of the money they need for their insurance and hand it over to the wealthy—including nearly $250 billion over ten years in tax cuts for health insurance companies and drug manufacturers, and $345  billion over ten years in tax cuts for individuals with incomes over $200,000. While working people lose their healthcare, wealthy Americans get a windfall. This is not right.

“Where are the Republicans’ values? We should be providing more Americans with health insurance, not fewer. We should be creating jobs, not eliminating them. Repealing the ACA would be a national disgrace and a betrayal of middle class families. Congressional Republicans and Mr. Trump will feel the full wrath of this nation if they continue down this path, and I implore them to reconsider their actions one more time.”
