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Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro

Representing the 3rd District of Connecticut

DeLauro Slams ACA Repeal as a ‘Betrayal of the Working Families of this Nation’

January 13, 2017
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC (January 13, 2017) Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today spoke on the House Floor to call on Congress to oppose the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. DeLauro’s speech comes the same day that House Republicans plan to start the process to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take away health care from millions of Americans.

Click here to watch the full remarks.

Here are the remarks, as delivered:

I rise in strong opposition to the rule. It sets into motion the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. This “repeal only” bill takes money intended to fund health care for middle class families and it hands it to the wealthy families and to big health corporations in the form of tax cuts—the public does not know this.

According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, this bill would give the 400 highest income families in the United States an average tax cut of $7 million a year. It would rob millions of families of the money they need for their insurance. It hands it over to the wealthy—including nearly $250 billion over ten years in tax cuts for health insurance companies and drug manufacturers.

Where are the Majority’s values?  We should be providing more Americans with health insurance, not fewer. We should be creating jobs, not eliminating them. This bill is a disgrace. It is a betrayal of the working families of this nation. I yield back the balance of my time.


A report Families USA issued said repeal of the Affordable Care Act equals a huge tax cut for the wealthy. What people don’t know—and the public doesn’t know at the moment—that this will hand over to wealthy and major corporations.

They’re going to get new tax breaks, worth nearly $600 million, more than a half trillion dollars over ten years, $345.8 billion over ten years in tax cuts with people who have incomes over specified thresholds, $200,000 for single individuals, $250,000 for families. There’s $274.4 billion over ten years going to health insurance companies, drug manufacturers, and other large health care corporations.

That is what repeal of the Affordable Care Act does and my colleagues need to face up to that and the public needs to know it.
