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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama

Brooks Will Vote to Partially Dismantle ObamaCare

January 13, 2017
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) will vote for a “Budget” to be used as a procedural vehicle to amend ObamaCare via an arcane device known as “Budget Reconciliation.”  Although called a “Budget,” this legislation influences but does not control future spending.  Further, although touted as a “repeal” of ObamaCare, it is nothing of the sort.  The Mitch McConnell/Paul Ryan plan amends ObamaCare (not repeals it) by stripping several onerous provisions from ObamaCare.  If the McConnell/Ryan plan passes the House and the Senate, ObamaCare will still exist, albeit in a different and diluted form, and absent the individual and employer mandates.  Unfortunately, high health insurance premiums will continue unless subsidies end, because the high premiums provide a substantial part of the money used to subsidize so many ObamaCare participants.

Congressman Brooks said, “The word ‘Budget’ in Washington has a different meaning from what the word Budget means to municipal, county, and state governments.  In Washington, a Budget spends no money.  Rather, a Washington Budget is a 10-year game plan that generally states what revenues and spending levels should be.  Authorizing bills authorize programs.  Appropriations bills spend money.  Budgets do neither.”

Brooks stated, “On its face, this 54 page Budget ‘Game Plan’ is surreal and financially irresponsible.  It ignores America’s $20 Trillion debt and America’s increasing risk of suffering a debilitating insolvency and bankruptcy.  Budget page 4 itemizes a 10-year plan to increase federal spending by $1.6 Trillion/year.  Page 5 itemizes a plan to explode America’s deficits by more than $400 Billion/year, from FY 2017’s horrible $582 Billion deficit to an even more horrible FY 2026 $1 Trillion deficit.  Page 6 projects America’s debt to increase by $9 Trillion by FY 2026, to $29 Trillion.”

Brooks continued, “Inasmuch as this Budget Game Plan is wholly and completely financially irresponsible, I have informed House Leadership that I will not vote for appropriations bills that are consistent with this Budget and explode America’s deficit and debt.”

Brooks added, “House Conservatives asked House Leadership to let the House vote for a bill that completely repeals ObamaCare, the same kinds of votes we have had over the past six years.  Unfortunately, the Senate dictates to the House that we vote to amend ObamaCare, not repeal it.  As a result, there will be much work left to be done if Congress is to repeal ObamaCare in its entirety.”  

Brooks concluded, “ObamaCare has forced America to endure skyrocketing premiums and declining health care quality.  In short, ObamaCare is one of the biggest boondoggles and failures ever forced on the American people.  Over the past six years, American voters have clearly stated that Big Brother bureaucrats have no business forcing Americans to buy health insurance we don’t want and we can’t afford."

