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Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo

Representing the People of Guam

Bordallo Meets with DoD Officials on Agent Orange

January 18, 2017
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo today issued the following statement after meeting with senior Department of Defense officials to discuss Agent Orange on Guam during the Vietnam War.

“Today I met with senior DoD officials to discuss claims that Agent Orange was used on Guam during the Vietnam War. I appreciate the Department’s quick response in meeting to discuss my concerns. This was an initial meeting to discuss the deep concerns that have been raised in our community, and the DoD has asserted that Agent Orange was not used on, stored or transshipped through Guam during the Vietnam War. I look forward to reviewing their records that support this claim and continuing to engage with the DoD and local stakeholders so that we have all the facts on this issue.”