Congressman Matt Cartwright

Representing the 17th District of Pennsylvania
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Rep. Cartwright Introduces Bill to Alleviate Burdens of Military Families

Jan 12, 2017
Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Rep Cartwright re-introduced the bipartisan Military Spouse Job Continuity Act of 2017 with the support of 56 cosponsors.  This legislation offers a tax credit to any military spouse who has to renew or transfer a professional license due to a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) order that requires them to move across state lines.

“We must not overlook the sacrifices that the families of our servicemembers make.  When our men and women relocate to meet the needs of the military, their spouses are often required to put their careers on hold,” said Rep. Cartwright.  “This bill will ease the stress of relocating and assist military spouses in quickly re-entering the workforce.”

The tax credit would only apply to administrative fees paid to licensing boards or certificate-granting institutions, expenses that are not covered by existing programs.  These expenses include those associated with licenses and official certifications for lawyers, nurses, cosmetologists, speech pathologists, and veterinary technicians, among others.

Senator Casey also introduced similar legislation in the Senate today. 

“This tax credit is a small step in making the transition more seamless and lightening the financial burden military families face to move,” Sen. Casey said. “This bill would not only assist in retaining the best and brightest in our military but also bolster our economy.”

This bill is endorsed by the National Military Family Association, the Association of the United States Navy, the Military Officers Association of America, and the National Guard Association of the United States.