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Congressman Jodey Arrington

Representing the 19th District of Texas

Arrington Tapped for Budget Committee

January 10, 2017
Press Release
Will Play Key Role in Obamacare Repeal, Tax Reform

Newly-elected Congressman for Texas’ Nineteenth District, Jodey Arrington, has been selected to serve on the House Budget Committee. The Constitution gives Congress the “power of the purse” which is the power to spend, collect revenue, and borrow. In his role, Arrington will push for significant budgetary reforms to be made in the 115th Congress. The most notable of these will be the repeal of Obamacare and reform of the tax code.

Arrington brings a unique perspective to the Budget Committee, having extensive experience reducing costs and cutting budgets. In his role at Texas Tech University System, Arrington helped rein in costs by holding tuition and fees flat for two years – bucking the nation’s higher education trend. Previously, as Chief of Staff to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Arrington helped lead efforts to reduce the workforce by 20%, slashing government spending by $80 million.

Arrington joins other strong leaders who have served on the Budget committee, including Speaker Paul Ryan and President-Elect Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Tom Price.

Of the appointment, Arrington released the following statement:


“Folks in West Texas, like all hard-working Americans, rightfully expect to have their government balance its budget and live within its means. The greatest threat to our children and grandchildren, and the long-term sustainability of American prosperity, is the national debt created by out of control government spending. 

The people of District 19 place a premium on fiscal responsibility, and as such, it is my duty to represent them on this committee. I will begin working immediately to help forge a more efficient and accountable federal government – beginning with the repeal of one of its costliest and most disastrous laws: Obamacare.


Chairwoman of the Budget Committee, Rep. Dianne Black (TN-6), released a statement in support of Arrington:


“Congressman Arrington will bring both public service and private sector experience to the important work ahead at the House Budget Committee. This will be a year of action to propose pro-growth job policies, restore fiscal sanity, reform government, and strengthen our national security.


In Congressman Arrington, we have someone with a proven track record of getting things done for the American people.”




