Stories of our connected and rapidly changing region.cpb-logo



Vermont Dairy Workers React To Trump’s Deportation Plans

November 28, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to deport millions of illegal immigrants with criminal records. It’s unclear how many people fit this category — but Trump’s sweeping statements are already sending shock waves into many undocumented workers’ lives.

Trump Election Spurs ‘Panic’ In Massachusetts Immigrant Communities

November 22, 2016

One of the focal points of President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign is now one of his first agenda items: deporting undocumented immigrants.

Rhode Island Fishermen, Scientists Study Impact of Offshore Wind Farm on Fisheries

November 22, 2016

The nation’s first offshore wind farm off the coast of Block Island will start producing electricity any day now. It’s a pilot project that will change the way the people on this small island power their homes and businesses. They’ve relied on importing diesel fuel up to this point.

Connecticut’s Charcoal Has Stories to Tell, if You Know Where to Look

November 22, 2016

Although charcoal is now sold at your local supermarket, the unassuming briquette’s story wasn’t always confined to American grills and backyards. For a long time, charcoal was the lifeblood of Connecticut’s iron industry — fueling furnaces creating everything from weapons of war to wheels that rolled across the country.

Trump May Find Climate Deal ‘Difficult’ To Break

November 22, 2016

Donald Trump’s surprise victory has prompted climate ministers from around the world to issue a joint statement about the need for the whole international community, including the United States, to remain committed to the Paris Climate Accords.

Police Try Treatment, Instead Of Punishment, For Addiction

November 22, 2016

Police departments in our region and around the country are scrambling to respond to the opioid addiction crisis.

Treatment Island: Addicts Are Sent To Recover Off The Coast Of Cape Cod

November 22, 2016

About a dozen miles off the coast of Cape Cod sits a rustic island named Penikese — part of the Elizabeth island chain. A hundred years ago, Penikese was home to a leper colony, then a school for troubled boys and a bird sanctuary. This past fall, Penikese opened to its newest incarnation — a treatment program for opioid addicts.

Nation’s First Offshore Wind Farm To Start Spinning Soon Off Rhode Island

November 22, 2016

Any day now, America’s first offshore wind farm, off Block Island, will begin commercial operation.

Searching for the Elusive Plastic Pollution Off Connecticut’s Coast

November 22, 2016

Plastic today is everywhere: in our bottles and cell phones, our grocery bags, and our trash. Some plastic garbage is so small, it’s impossible to see with the naked eye: tiny microbeads, which have been banned from some products because of their environmental impact. WNPR went looking for them in the waters off Connecticut’s coast.

Rhode Island Company Creates Clothing to Protect Against Zika Virus

November 22, 2016

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found evidence that more than 1,000 pregnant women in the United States may have been infected with Zika virus this year.


NEXT is a weekly radio show and podcast hosted by John Dankosky, based at WNPR in Hartford, Connecticut and powered by the New England News Collaborative.

Our laboratory is all of New England — one of America's oldest places — at a time of change.

Through original reporting and interviews, we ask important questions about the issues we explore: where are we now? How did we get here? And what's next?