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United States Strategic Command - Offutt Air Force Base, NE

United States Strategic Command
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    •  Hello! I’m Stephanie Brown, an undergraduate honors student majoring in psychology at Seattle Pacific University. As part of my honors research project, I am surveying military personnel (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard) to look at unit cohesion after the repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.” If you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces - Active, National Guard, or Reserve - you can message me and I will send you the survey, or you can take the survey online by clicking on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DADTunitcohesion. The survey does NOT ask for your name. At the end of the survey (if you wish) you can provide your email address to be entered into a raffle drawing for a $25, $50, or $75 Visa gift card. Your email will be kept separate from your survey answers and will be destroyed after the raffle takes place.
      Monday at 2:01pm
    •  U.S. Air Force Pride
      September 2 at 6:44am
  2. On Sept 29th Offutt AFB will be hosting a drug take-back day - turn in your unused or expire medications for safe disposal, no questions asked!
    Saturday, September 29 at 10:00am in CDT at AFMS - Offutt - 55th Medical Group
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    • Roy G Deal
      Handy tool-Compilation of Space A Passenger Terminals U.S.Military FB list,watch/learn about your*upcoming trip/vacation to meet loved ones in conus/oconus,or an exotic Vac. like Hale Koa on Beach in Hawaii, Edelweiss Lodge,Belgium & other trips ! AMC-Come Fly with U.S.! Subscribe to link-for upto date flights info. https://www.facebook.com/lists/339134236155498 _Please ! share for the♥Troops &*Dependants,also DoD & Retirees/others Space A Travlers of*USA. ✔ & find many tools/much info@(Join group) https://www.facebook.com/groups/325711150854371/
    • Glen Kint
      This is from Glen Joseph ( Allentown , PA ) facebook page ...fbi and national security agency so your doing the same thing overseas w/ your "remote neural monitoring" campaign ... Yes you are ... Why do you think I contacted all the countries the fbi has an office in ... fbi , you might be able to say things like this to leaders in this country >>> This out of the mouth of an fbi special agent " tell fucking Leon Panetta , Martin Dempsey , and David Petraeus to mind their own fucking business we're the fbi " ... So now they're told ...BUT the fbi and national security is using their “remote neural monitoring” in other countries and the leaders of other countries aren’t going to tolerate white-gay supremacist organizations getting a foot hold in their country and having “all the power” in their respective country … ... right now this country is looking weak .The army , navy , navy seals , air force , marines and the department of defense is looking very weak . The fbi and national security agency saw to it that not only civilians in this country took their own lives and others w/ their "mind control" and "remote neural monitoring" campaign ... but also people who served this country took their own lives and others ... What I'm trying to say is that our military let people get over on their family ... This country could sure use Russia's and China's help right now . Maybe someone should try and sit down w/ their leaders and ask for their Military to help this country w/ the fbi and national security agency . I know the people of this country would really be thankful and it would take a lot of pressure off America's Military to do the right thing . It seems right now the fbi has all the power in this country and America's Military isn't up to the task of handling the fbi ... S A D

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