
To review and analyze data we provide access to download the survey (data collected in the field that are used to produce estimates) data, estimates (calculated), and SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) template programs. 

Survey and estimate datasets are posted for download following the production of estimates and initial quality control procedures.

Recent Updates

To receive automatic notification of updates to MRIP estimates, data, template programs and queries, please click  here to subscribe to our email subscription service.
  • MRIP Survey data has been re-posted for 2004-2016 with the following changes:

    1. New information is available in our Survey Datasets: Unadjusted catch counts for all catch types (CLAIM_UNADJ, HARVEST_UNADJ, RELEASE_UNADJ). These fields are being added for informational purposes only. Estimates produced using these fields will not match those available from the website
    2. Issues have been corrected with variables identifying cases where revised small sample estimates are available. This change impacts only 2013-2015 in the state and mode of fishing identified in the 8/15/2016 update to estimates.
  • As a result of corrections to Intercept Survey data, a revised landings in weight estimate is available for Sheepshead in 2009 wave 4, Georgia Private/Rental mode.
  • Revised catch estimates that address small sample size issues are now available for the following twelve cases:
    • Maine-Charter boat: 2013
    • New Hampshire-Charter boat: 2013
    • Rhode Island-Charter boat: 2013
    • Connecticut-Charter boat: 2013, 2014, 2015
    • New York-Charter boat: 2014, 2015
    • New Jersey-Charter boat: 2013
    • Virginia-Charter boat: 2013, 2014, 2015

    Revised catch estimates for all species in these cases are only available at the annual level. Estimates at the 2–month wave level are not available from the MRIP catch queries (Snapshot, Time Series, Length Frequencies, or download).

    Revised MRIP public–use survey datasets (trip,catch,size) have been posted on our downloads page along with updated domain estimation template programs.

    These changes will not affect LPS catch queries or the HMS catch card queries.


Survey Data

MRFSS Survey Data (SAS, CSV)

INTERCEPT: Includes survey data collected by the shore-based angler intercept surveys. The list of sites used for the APAIS survey, along with detailed descriptive information about each site, is available in the Site Register.
I1: Angler information
I2: Unavailable catch
I3: Available catch
I4: Grouped-catch followers
I6: Boat-party followers
I9: At-sea Discards

TELEPHONE: Includes survey data collected through the Coastal Household Telephone Survey (CHTS):
T1: Household information
T2: Angler information
T3: Trip information

For variable descriptions, download the survey appendices available on the Survey Details page.

MRIP Survey Data (SAS, CSV) - Available for years 2004+ only

Each survey data zip file,, contains three files per year/wave.

TRIP_YYYYW.sas7bdat - Trip level data (analogous to MRFSS i1 dataset) and variables required for use in estimation. Contains one record per angler-trip interview (identified by id_code).

CATCH_YYYYW.sas7bdat - Catch level data and variables required for use in estimation. Contains one record per species for every angler-trip interview.

SIZE_YYYYW.sas7bdat - Fish level length and weight data and variables required for use in estimation. Contains one record per fish caught and measured or weighed by interviewer.

For more information on each type of file, see MRIP Read Me. Variable formats and descriptions can be found in MRIP_Survey_Variables.



Preliminary estimates are produced every two months, and final (revised) estimates each spring.

All preliminary data is subject to change and will likely be revised prior to being posted as final. The direction and magnitude of such revisions are unpredictable. Please familiarize yourself with the limitations and use of preliminary data.

Click on the links below to access the desired estimates.

MRFSS Estimates (SAS, CSV)

MRFSS estimates are available for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts through 2003, Puerto Rico through 2013, and Hawaii through present.  

MRFSS estimate downloads are separated by coast, combined Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico data are annotated with "AG", Gulf-only data with "GU", and Pacific data with "PC". Some downloads may have been produced in the past, but are not currently available. Legacy data for the MRFSS program are provided in a different format and the current MRIP data.

MRFSS estimates do not include revised estimates produced under the MRIP program. 

MRIP Estimates (SAS, CSV)

MRIP estimates are available for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts beginning in 2004, Puerto Rico beginning in 2014.

Variable formats and descriptions can be found in MRIP_Estimates_Variables.


MRIP Template Programs

MRIP survey datasets are optimized for use by the MRIP programs, and other files available on our website are not compatible with these programs.The programs can be modified to run for custom domain analyses. A domain is defined as a sub-level (usually geographic) of the stratified estimation design. Typically, these are sub-state geographic divisions based on county groups, or even sampled site groups if the domain cannot be defined by county borders.

MRIP template programs should be used only with MRIP survey datasets currently available for years 2004+ only. For more information on each program and the datasets required to run them, see MRIP Read Me

To download the MRIP Template programs, please RIGHT CLICK the template program filename below and select SAVE LINK AS.

Catch Estimation
MRIP catch estimation for custom domains. This is a template program for estimating catch totals using the MRIP public-use datasets. The program is setup to use information in the trip_yyyyw dataset to define custom domains. The catches are estimated within the domains by merging the trip information onto the catch_yyyyw datasets.  See program for additional information

Direct Trip Estimation
MRIP directed angler-trips (effort) for custom domains. This is a template program for estimating directed trips using the MRIP public-use datasets.The program is setup to use trip_yyyyw datasets to define custom domains and estimate total angler-trips within domains. Catch information can be used in defining the domains by merging the catch_yyyyw datasets onto the trip_yyyyw datasets. See program for additional information.

Length Frequencies
MRIP length frequencies for single species within custom domains. This is a template program for estimating length frequencies using the MRIP public-use datasets. The program is setup to calculate length frequencies (in numbers of fish and as proportions) using the size_yyyyw datasets. Custom estimation domains may be defined by merging trip information from the trip_yyyyw datasets onto the size datasets. See program for additional information.

LPS Data

Large Pelagic Survey Data and Estimates (SAS, CSV)

LPIS Datasets

CATCH_YYYYMM - Catch level data and variables required for use in estimation. Each record contains catch totals by major catch types (kept, released alive, or discarded dead) in numbers.

MAIN_YYYYMM - Boat level data and variables required for use in estimation. Contains one record for each respondent interviewed.

SIZE_YYYYMM - Fish level length and weight data and variables required for use in estimation. Contains one record per fish caught and measured or weighed by interviewer.

Note: All data pre 2011 are not broken into monthly data sets. For example Catch_2010, Main_2010, and Size_2010 contain all catch data from June-November for 2010.

LPTS Datasets

LPTS_YYYYMMM - The Large Pelagics Telephone Survey dataset is used for Private mode effort estimates. A record is created for each trip profiled.

Note: All data pre 2011 are not broken into monthly data sets. For example LPTS_2010, contains all effort data from June-November for 2010. The LPTS 2002 data set is not currently available for download due to formatting issues. It will be provided at a later date.

All Estimate Datasets

All_ests_YYYY - Catch and effort estimates by month, mode, region, and species.

The Large Pelagic Survey is conducted only in Atlantic coast states from Virginia through Maine. To complement NOAA Fisheries HMS management, these states are divvied into two regions: Southern (Virginia through Southern New Jersey) and Northern (Northern New Jersey through Maine). New Jersey is divided along the border of Atlantic and Ocean counties. Due to the limited scale of recreational LPS fishing, several states are combined into two state groups: Maryland/Delaware, Connecticut/Rhode Island, and New Hampshire/Maine.

For more information on each type of file and the data available, please see the information available here.