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Center Hill Lake Boats

Boating Information

Center Hill’s forested shoreline and close proximity to major metropolitan areas and Interstate 40 make it an ideal spot for boating and skiing.   One of the nine commercial marinas, situated at various locations on the lake, or one of the many Corps of Engineers Access areas provide easy access and supplies for boaters. Upon the 19,000 surface acres of water and 415 miles of shoreline, plenty of areas are available for a secluded tie-up.  As the number of boaters visiting Center Hill have increased in recent years, the Corps of Engineers encourages visitors to wear life jackets, pay close attention at all times, abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages, and become familiar with the rules of the road and basic boating regulations.  Tennessee Boating Regulations apply when boating here and all boaters are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the current boating laws.  You may contact the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (www.state.tn.us/twra) concerning boating regulations and boating safety information.

Safe Boating Council



Boat Etiquette

