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106 Reviews
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Robert Parisi
· December 22, 2016
Increased domestic Natural Gas production has turned the potential for a reduced proportion of coal in North America's energy consumption pie-chart, as it was i...n 2010, into something more environmentally sustainable and less of a trigger for both 'Climatic Change' and 'Degenerative Morbidity' for humans and other animals and plants. This change in the heavy dependence on coal into a more balanced approach will provide us and the rest of the world with the ample transitional time needed to develop and install renewable and alternative energy technologies and infrastructures that will meet our future needs without causing a macroeconomic disruption or excessive coal related morbidities during the projected 20-60 year complete global conversion period. See More
Collette Lopez
· September 14, 2016
I think is this oil possibly manufactured into a skin oil. I love that stuff is it organic. I'm a do some reseacrh but for now let's respect Indians I agree wit...h them . They are so traumatized God is to cause he loves them. We can reason something were everyone is happy and the environment is preserved. Anything not a healthy environment invention we should shoot for a organic alternative. Bad enough we got to figure out what to do with nuclear and plastic. See More
James J. Adams
· April 8, 2015
The USEIA reminds me every day that the United States is the world's largest producer of petroleum and the world's largest producer of natural gas. That would ...have been unthinkable 20 years ago.
Hydrocarbons will continue to fuel the world economy for decades.The US has such an abundance all of these fuel sources that no other form of energy production can come close to the low price of hydrocarbon. Coal will slowly disappear from the equation because it has been regulated out of existenc. We are too terrified as a country to think of building a nuclear plant. Alternative, non-hydrocarbon energy accounts for under 2 percent of electric generation and is 40% more expensive per unit of energy produced than natural gas.
Let's remember that we are responsible to our children to maintain the world's most powerful economy so that they have the opportunity to thrive, dream, discover, discover and reinvent entirely new ways of thinking and doing business without worrying about literally having the energy to do so.
Perhaps, when our grandchildren assume control of the economy, we will have no need for hydrocarbons. But we do now. And opposition to pipelines, opposition to drawing techniques, and fatuous claims that renewable energy is ready now will crush us, our children, and our grandchildren. I'm not inclined to let that happen.
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عدنان الهبوب
· November 3, 2016
i like more information about to the all world but this now excellent
Alfred John Zweig
· September 13, 2016
Facts not opinion. For those that know there is a difference.
Bobby Baker
· June 7, 2016
Great source for settling arguments with people that don't know a lot about the facts surrounding the energy sector.
Nathan Kuenzi
· February 19, 2016
This is a magnificent resource for information on all things related to U.S. energy policy. Kudos to those who prepare and help disseminate information from the EIA!
Allan Leo Dev
· May 24, 2015
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Hitoshi Ishida
· September 25, 2014
Enjoy driving with Saving the Ecosystem.

In Climate Change Summit, many country shared the Sense of crisis of Global warming....
As it is considered that CO2 emission from the transportation sector accounts for 20% of total CO2 emissions, people need to select the cars which is excellent in both economic and eco-friendly.
Eco Eco Drive provides a lot of tips to select efficient and eco-friendly car.
You can visualize EV and PHEV potential, here.
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Narindar Kumar Sharma
· March 21, 2015
Ban the use of electric energy for heating purposes to reduce global warning . Heating can be done using any fuel. why degeneare a high quality energy like electricity into heat?
Richard Ginny Storm
· October 7, 2014
I appreciate your providing, what I believe to be, honest facts with no "book cooking" which is the norm for many government agencies. Please keep your factual purity and the outstanding reporting.
Paula Satterlee
· April 5, 2016
this is an awesome map ... very informative as to where all the power facilities are located.
Sergio Gurken
· January 11, 2016
Clean energy are fundamental in this 21 century and The USEIA explains better the way we can took at times now.
Giuseppe Givegiugio Verri
· July 23, 2015
It's very important to refer about nuclear waste thoroughout the Planet and how to realize local nuclear waste Transmutation?!
Tim Blunderbust
· July 13, 2014
Citizens take note...this is your early warning system!!! We are living on borrowed time AND oil. There is no escape from an inevitable Peak which we have alr...eady passed. Read The Crash Course and prepare. Be resilient, resourceful, and recycle recycle recycle. Your future CAN be in your hands if you are vigilant. Good luck. See More
Robert Chamberlain
· September 16, 2014
I think the oil companies are robbing us. There is more crude oil here then the government or the oil companies want us to know about. Why, are we using imported oil instead of our own?
Chris Diperi
· December 21, 2014
we were afraid to do it, but Romney led the way, showing Obama how to do this, and look at the results.
Mike Bloom
· March 26, 2015
EIA reports have given me exactly the kind of information I have sought.
Kashif Web
· May 31, 2015
It is observed that wind/solar do not have the capacity to fulfill world energy demand.
Kindly consider other renewable resources.
I have deposited theoretical machine, hopefully you will find it global problem solution.
Michael Dale Ogden
· November 29, 2014
No better place for citizens to get the actual real information needed...
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The U.S. Electric System Operating Data Tool
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EIA's U.S. Electric System Operating Data tool provides nearly real-time demand data, plus analysis and visualizations of hourly, daily, and weekly electricity supply and demand on a national and regional level for all of the 66 electric system balancing authorities that make up the U.S. electric grid.

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Registration is open! The 2017 EIA Energy Conference is scheduled for June 26–27 in Washington, DC. Register by February 17 and get the early-bird discount.

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