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Numerical Forecast Systems
The NCEP Global Ensemble products posted by the GEFS model team are experimental analysis and forecast products, and you will find them listed under the "Experimental Data" section of our web site. The Global Ensemble runs operationally on the NCEP supercomputer, but the plots made by the GEFS team are NOT operational jobs and will be interrupted for a period of time when there is supercomputer maintenance (3-4 times per year) or if there is a problem with the NCEP supercomputer.
1. NCEP Central Operations (NCO) posts a subset of model plots (including GEFS/NAEFS spaghetti and ensemble mean/spread) plots on the web at:

NCO Mag Web (real time)
User Guide for NCO Website
Product Description for NCO Experimental Plots

2. NAEFS real time products generated by CPC, CMC:

NAEFS related products (real time)

3. Collection of all ensemble reed guidances:

Ensemble Based Public Guidances

Please send any comments and suggestions about our experimental plots to:
Yuejian Zhu
Mary Hart