NOAA and Other Opportunities

Ocean's For Life Program
A unique cross-cultural program for High School Students located in Key West FL.

National Ocean Sciences Bowl
Do you bowl? Join an Ocean Sciences Bowl team! Check out how your school can participate.

Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program
ANSEP uses a longitudinal model that works with students from the time they are in middle school all the way through to the PhD.

NOAA Science Camp

NOAA Science Camp is for youth entering 7th and 8th grades in the fall. NOAA Science Camp's goal is to increase environmental literacy in the Puget Sound area through a one-of-a-kind educational experience involving activities taught by real scientists from several NOAA offices (fisheries, marine mammals, weather, oceanography, diving, charting, habitat restoration, hazardous material assessment, and coastal restoration/watersheds). Summer camp is located at NOAA's Sand Point Facility north of Magnuson Park in Seattle WA. Learn more and when to register!

Are you going into 9th or 10th grade? Check out the NOAA Science Camp Junior Leaders Program.

Established in 2003, NOAA Science Camp has been coordinated by NOAA, Washington Sea Grant (WSG), and the University of Washington’s Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Oceans (JISAO). NOAA's involvement is through the Northwest Regional Education and Outreach Group (NWREOG).

Check out stories about past NOAA Science Camps.