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Oregon / Washington

NEPA Documents

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ensures that the BLM (and other Federal Agencies) considers the impact of an action on the quality of the human environment before decisions are made and the action is taken. NEPA-related documents are required to concentrate on significant issues. The NEPA process is intended to help public officials make better decisions based on an understanding of environmental consequences, and take actions that protect, restore, and enhance the quality of the human environment.

As of October 1, 2015, the BLM now hosts all of our current and ongoing planning documents on the new ePlanning site. This site allows you to search for projects by geographic location, project resource type, year, and other project-specific fields.

NEPA Archive

All of BLM's planning documents prior to October 2015 can be found in the Oregon/Washington NEPA document library. Documents can be searched by fiscal year, district, program area, and document type via the NEPA Document Search form.

Project Planning Updates

2016 Project Updates

2015 Project Updates

2014 Project Updates

2013 Project Updates

2012 Project Updates

2011 Project Updates

2010 Project Updates

2009 Project Updates

2008 Project Updates

2007 Project Updates

2006 Project Updates

2005 Project Updates

Public Comments: Before including address, phone number, email-address, or any other personal identifying information in your comments, be advised that your entire comment, including personal identifying information, may be made publicly available at any time. While individuals may request that the BLM withhold personal identifying information from public view, the BLM cannot guarantee it will be able to do so. If you wish us to withhold your personal information you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comment. We will make all submissions from organizations or businesses available for public disclosure in their entirety.