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Home > Missions > Civil Works > Recreation > Black Warrior & Tombigbee (BWT) Lakes > Hunting

BW&T Online Hunting Permit

Step 1: Read Carefully the Rules and Regulations in the link provided below or on the permit itself.  Maps of specific areas within the BW&T's hunting scope are provide on this web site.

Step 2: Please Include the following in an email to the BW&T Demopolis Site Office. Your information is required in order for the Hunting Permit to be valid.  A response email from the BW&T Office will not be sent.

   * First & Last Name
   * Mailing Address
   * City, State and Zip Code
   * Daytime Phone
   * Primary Area you Plan to Hunt

Step 3: After you email your information please print out the permit (link below), sign and date it. The TOP portion of the permit must be displayed in your vehicle, while the BOTTOM portion must be in your possession while hunting. The permit must be carried with you while hunting for it to be valid. In some instances an official/warden may contact this office to verify that your information is on file.


BW&T Hunting Regulations

***Read Before you can obtain an Annual Hunting Permit, you are required to read, understand, and agree to the following Black Warrior & Tombigbee Lakes Hunting/Trapping Regulations.


Privacy Act Statement
All persons in possession of a BW&T Hunting Permit agree to read and abide by the terms outlined in these regulations prior to accessing COE lands. Permit must be signed & dated to be valid. Hunting and trapping are permitted only on the areas indicated on the maps for BW&T Project lands and waters and are subject to the following exceptions and restrictions. All state, federal and local laws governing these activities also apply.

1. All hunters, regardless of age, are required to complete a valid COE Hunting Permit and abide by instructions on permit while hunting COE lands. 
   • Permit must be signed, dated and displayed on the dash of the vehicle so that the name, address and date are visible from outside the vehicle. 
   • Bottom portion of permit containing hunter information must be carried on hunters’ person while hunting.
2. For safety, hunters less than 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult (21 years of age or older).
3. No hunting or trapping is allowed within 1000' of any lock, dam, building, dredge, construction site or public use area.
4. Only floating blinds will be allowed for waterfowl hunting and must be removed daily.

NOTE: Waterfowl hunters should be aware that COE owns only an easement to much of the property around and beneath the lakes. Hunters must have permission from the landowner before accessing or wading on private property.

5. All firearms in boats under way must be unloaded and cased.
6. The following weapon and ammunition rules apply: 
     A) No high-powered rifles or handguns allowed on COE property. 
     B) Firearms for small game are standard 22 caliber rim fire rifles (no 22 magnums) and shotguns with shot size number 4 or smaller. 
     C) All waterfowl hunters must use non-toxic shot of size "T" or smaller. 
     D) Legal weapons for deer hunting are primitive weapons and shotguns with slugs only. 
     E) No buckshot, dogs or man drives are allowed for deer hunting. 
     F) No buckshot is allowed for feral hog hunting.
7. Deer may be harvested in accordance with the following seasons.  Change out these phrases on the first and fourth bullet:
  - Archery (Either-sex):  October 15 – February 10 **Areas south of highway 80:  October 25 - February 10
  - Youth Gun (Either-sex): November 13 - 16 
  - Muzzleloader (Either-sex): November 16 - 20 
  - Hunter’s Choice:  November 19 – February 10     **Areas south of highway 80:  November 19 - February 10
      • Legal buck: bare antlers visible above natural hairline – one a day 
      • Hunters Choice Gun Season – two deer per day, only one of which may be an antlered buck.
8. All other wildlife game species may be harvested within the season framework and bag limit restrictions set by state and federal regulations.
9. Only portable tree stands are allowed and must be removed daily. Climbing spikes are not permitted.
10. Hunter's orange is required during all open gun seasons for deer and must be worn in accordance with state regulations.
11. Motorized vehicle operation is not permitted off designated roadways. ATV operation is strictly prohibited on COE property.
12. Camping is allowed in designated camping areas only.
13. Dogs are allowed for hunting small game in areas designated "All Game Hunting," (see map). Retrievers are allowed for waterfowl hunting.
14. Turkey hunting with shotgun or muzzleloader will be allowed on hunting areas designated as all game or primitive weapon only.
15. Small game hunting with legal firearms for small game will be allowed on hunting areas designated as all game or primitive weapon only.
16. No guns or black powder are allowed on "Archery Only" areas.
17. Feral hogs may be harvested during the following seasons:   Change the date lines next to the bullets:
   • September 15 to March 5
        - Day: With weapons legal for that season, no dogs (Ex: During squirrel season the only weapons legal for squirrel hunting can be used for hogs)
        - Night: No weapons, dogs only.
   • May 1 – August 30
        - Day: "All Game" areas - Shotgun with slugs only, Muzzleloader, Bow & Arrow, Crossbow, No dogs.
                   "Primitive Weapon" areas - Muzzleloader, Bow & Arrow, Crossbow, No dogs. 
                   "Archery Only" areas - Bow & Arrow, Crossbow, No dogs.
       - Night: No weapons, dogs only.

18. All state sanctioned Youth Hunts and associated state regulations will be allowed on BW&T project lands.
19. Baiting and/or feeding of wildlife on BW&T project land is prohibited.
20. Indiscriminate taking of non-game wildlife on BW&T project is prohibited.

Forfeiture of hunting privileges: Any violation of federal, state or local hunting, trespass or game regulations may result in forfeiture of the COE permit and privileges for a period to be determined by a review board. The violator will also be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.

For more hunting opportunities, click to see the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway or the David K. Nelson Wildlife Management Area at Demopolis.
If you witness a hunting policy violation or a violation of Title 36, please contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Staff at (334) 289-3540.


Other Hunting Links

Hunting on Wildlife Management Area Lands:

The David K. Nelson (Demopolis) Wildlife Management Area encompasses nearly 8,000 acres and is located in Marengo, Sumter, Hale and Greene counties along Demopolis Lake. The area provides excellent habitat for many game and non-game wildlife species. This area, operated by the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, offers excellent public hunting opportunities. Hunters with an Alabama Wildlife Management Area permit along with a valid state hunting license can hunt seasonally.  For more information about the David K. Nelson (Demopolis) Wildlife Management Area or to obtain a wildlife management area permit call, (334) 289-8030.

Hunting on Tennessee-Tombigbee Corp Managed Lands:

Hunting also is permitted in specific Corps-managed areas, provided the hunter has a valid state hunting license, a Tennessee-Tombigbee Hunting Permit and is using weapons designated for the area as indicated on a current hunting map. Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway