Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Fisheries Observation Science Topics


Jon McVeigh
Program Manager
Staff Directory

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Observer Training and Manuals

Training Requirements

Training Calendar

At-sea Hake Observer Training

Annual Training for Certified Observers in good standing (4 days)

Dates: September 13-16, 2016

Minimum class size: 5
Maximum class size: 25*

Catch Shares Training

New Observer Training (15 days)

Dates: TBD

Minimum class size: 6
Maximum class size: 24*

Annual Briefing for Observers with valid certification (4 days)

Dates: TBD

Maximum class size: 24*
Observers should bring this list of gear to the training.

Non-Catch Share Training

Annual briefing for observers with 12 month contracts (4 days)
Dates: TBD

New observer training (15 days)
Dates: TBD

Annual briefing for non-catch share trained observers who observed in 2013 (5 days):
Dates: TBD

Catch Monitoring Training

Training for Observers who have completed the 15-day catch shares training (3 days)
Dates: TBD

*The Program may allow more attendees as deemed necessary.


WCGOP (Catch Shares) Training Manuals

2016 CS Training Manual

WCGOP (Non-Catch Shares) Training Manuals

2016 NCS Training Manual

At-Sea Hake Sampling Manuals and Information

At-Sea Hake Sampling Manual