map of north america

Maps and Spatial Data

Maps and spatial data are at the foundation for much of the work the Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) undertakes, from scientific support for oil and chemical spills to damage assessment and restoration to dealing with marine debris. What are spatial data? Spatial data describe the location and shapes of environmental features as well as events occurring in the environment, such as an oil spill into an estuary. Analyzing this information is crucial in responding to, assessing, and restoring damage to marine and coastal environments. In a spill response, mapping sensitive shorelines and forecasting the path that pollutants will travel in water are examples of spatial data. Assessing important spatial information and designing successful restoration projects rely upon interpreting and mapping geographic information, including the location, duration, and impacts from oil spills, other hazardous materials, or debris released into the environment. In addition to using spatial data and tools developed by partners, OR&R develops its own applications and products to support scientific decision-making to protect and restore coastal and marine resources.

ERMA® is an online mapping tool that integrates both static and real-time data, such as Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps, ship locations, weather, and ocean currents, in a centralized, easy-to-use format for environmental responders and decision makers. ERMA is designed to:

Data Integration, Visualization, Exploration, and Reporting (DIVER)

DIVER is a data management tool initially developed for the damage assessment resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The tool serves as a centralized data repository, which you can use to find and download diverse sets of validated environmental data from the Gulf of Mexico and the coastal US.

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps provide a concise summary of coastal resources at risk if an oil spill occurs nearby.

The Office of Response and Restoration: Where We Work

Visit our interactive map to learn about OR&R's hazardous material spill response, restoration, and marine debris activities.

Gulf of Mexico Marine Debris Project

To address marine debris impacts on the Gulf Coast, Congress tasked NOAA in July 2006 to survey and map nearshore waters impacted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to facilitate debris removal.

Query Manager

Query Manager was a database standard and query tool used to access analytical chemistry for sediment, tissue, water and oil, in addition to sediment and water toxicity data.


This mapping program, with an easy-to-use GIS interface, works seamlessly with several other emergency response programs in the CAMEO software suite.

ESI Exercises

Try these in-depth exercises to help you become more familiar with Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps and data.

Data Integration, Visualization, Exploration, and Reporting (DIVER)

DIVER is a data management tool initially developed for the damage assessment resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The tool serves as a centralized data repository, which you can use to find and download diverse sets of validated environmental data from the Gulf of Mexico and the coastal US.

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps provide a concise summary of coastal resources at risk if an oil spill occurs nearby.

The Office of Response and Restoration: Where We Work

Visit our interactive map to learn about OR&R's hazardous material spill response, restoration, and marine debris activities.

Gulf of Mexico Marine Debris Project

To address marine debris impacts on the Gulf Coast, Congress tasked NOAA in July 2006 to survey and map nearshore waters impacted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to facilitate debris removal.

Query Manager

Query Manager was a database standard and query tool used to access analytical chemistry for sediment, tissue, water and oil, in addition to sediment and water toxicity data.


This mapping program, with an easy-to-use GIS interface, works seamlessly with several other emergency response programs in the CAMEO software suite.

ESI Exercises

Try these in-depth exercises to help you become more familiar with Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps and data.