Category Archives: About GAO

Housing for Homeless Veterans through VA’s Enhanced-Use Lease Program (interactive graphics)

Approximately 39,000 U.S. veterans were homeless as of January 2016 due to factors such as mental health issues and substance abuse. The Department of Veterans Affairs’ enhanced-use lease program turns unused federal buildings into affordable housing for homeless veterans. This … Continue reading

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Reflections on Addiction and Recovery (videos)

Over 47,000 people died of drug overdoses in the United States in 2014—more than any previous year on record. In fact, drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death by injury in the country, surpassing auto accidents. To help … Continue reading

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GAO Again Named Among Best Places to Work and #1 for Our Support of Diversity

The Partnership for Public Service announced that GAO has again placed on its roster of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government. This year, we rose to 2nd among mid-size agencies, tying with Peace Corps for that honor. … Continue reading

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The Insights and Analyses from Mapping Data

Geographic information systems (GIS) are powerful tools that display spatial information (such as locations on a map) in order to help us understand patterns and relationships about our world. So, with National GIS Day on November 16th, the WatchBlog is … Continue reading

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GAO’s 2016 Performance and Accountability Report—Over $63 Billion in Financial Benefits

Once a year we like to share the results of our work with you, the taxpayer. This year our audit work produced over $63 billion in financial benefits. In other words, for every $1 Congress invested in us, we returned … Continue reading

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Preparing the Next Leaders

The elections are over and new leaders are assembling staff, setting priorities, and preparing to tackle major issues facing the nation. What do these leaders and their staff need to know to hit the ground running in January? Our Management … Continue reading

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Priority Recommendations

Every year we make hundreds of recommendations to federal agencies on ways to improve government operations and reduce costs. With so many opportunities for improvement, agency heads and other policymakers may have trouble deciding where to start. We’ve got plenty … Continue reading

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Priorities for Policy Makers – Our App for Government on the Go

The election is over. The transition is here. But how will new executive branch leaders and new congressional staff decide where to start? As policymakers shift gears from campaigning to governing, they need to quickly learn about their new positions … Continue reading

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Following the Money: The Audit Trail

You may remember from your elementary school civics class (or our previous Watchblog posts) that Congress allocates the money that executive branch agencies use to carry out their work. But who makes sure these agencies are spending this money correctly? … Continue reading

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Prestige TV and GAO—A Match Made in Hollywood Heaven?

The current golden age of prestige television has more in common with GAO’s work than you’d think—it turns out that Emmy-nominated TV shows, both comedies and dramas, worry about the same issues we do. Today’s WatchBlog explores how our work … Continue reading

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