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The Company of Biologists uses the surplus it generates for the benefit of biology and the biological community. We support through grant funding:

  • Meetings, Workshops and conferences – both large and small – in the fields covered by our journals around the world.
  • Scientific societies. Three of the societies we fund use part of our funding to provide travel grants to support early career scientists who wish to attend conferences.
  • Travelling Fellowships to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories.

Grants and Travelling Fellowships

In the footsteps of Darwin

One of the species of Darwin's Finches studied by Danielle, who received a Travelling Fellowship from the Journal of Experimental Biology

The remote Galapagos Islands provide the ideal opportunity to investigate discrete populations of birds – and Darwin’s Finches are one of the most important and most studied groups of all. However the islands’ isolation makes research there both difficult and expensive.

A Travelling Fellowship from Journal of Experimental Biology gave Danielle Levesque (a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak) the opportunity to join a team of international researchers investigating a specific feature of birds – the role of the bill in non-respiratory heat loss.


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