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Publications Issues, Conditions, & Disorders Co-Occurring Disorders SMA11-PHYDE020811
Behavioral Health and Tribal Communities

Behavioral Health and Tribal Communities

Presentation by Administrator Hyde, National Indian Education Association 14th Legislative Summit, February 8, 2011 (Slides)

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Discusses SAMHSA's role in leading change to reduce the impact of mental illness and substance abuse among tribal communities. Examines behavioral health within tribal communities, opportunities for change, the Tribal Law and Order Act, and suicide prevention.

Pub id: SMA11-PHYDE020811
Publication Date: 2/2011
Popularity: Not ranked
Format: Presentation
Audience: Policymakers, Educators, Grant Seekers & Grantees, Program Planners, Administrators, & Project Managers
Series: Administrator Pam Hyde's Presentations
Population Group: Native Hawaiians & Other Pacific Islanders, People with Alcohol Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group, Children as Population Group, People with Substance Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group, Military & Veterans as Population Group, American Indian & Alaska Native, At-Risk, Underserved, People with Mental Health Problems as Population Group

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