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Proposal Preparation
Project Reports System
Postdoctoral Fellowships and Other Programs
Medal Of Science
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Panelist Functions
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Honorary Awards
Prepare A Nomination
Prepare A Letter Of Support
Medal Of Science Recipients
Graduate Research Fellowships
Graduate Research Fellowship Program Application
2004 GRFP Award List (Opens New Window)
2003 Graduate Fellowship Award Recipients
2002 Graduate Fellowship Award Recipients
2001 Graduate Fellowship Award Recipients
2000 Graduate Fellowship Award Recipients
Postdoctoral Fellowships and Other Programs
Application Preparation and Submission
Letter of Reference Preparation and Submission
Sponsoring Scientist Statement Preparation and Submission
Award Search and Funding Trends
List of Recent Awards
Query Awards by Program
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Full Text Search of NSF Awards
Funding Trends (Budget Internet Information System)

Login Required  (to access the following FastLane Functions)
Proposals, Awards & Status
  Proposal Functions
    ¤ Proposal Preparation
    ¤ Proposal Status
    ¤ Display Reference Status
    ¤ Revise Submitted Proposal Budget
    ¤ Proposal File Update
  Award & Reporting Functions
    ¤ Notifications and Requests
    ¤ Continuation Funding Status
    ¤ View/Print Award Letters
    ¤ Project Report System
    ¤ Supplemental Funding Request
  Edit PI Information
Research Administration
  Organizational Management
    ¤ Add, Modify, and Delete FastLane Users
    ¤ Change User Permissions
    ¤ Initialize/Change User Passwords
    ¤ Organizational Reports
    ¤ Administer Notifications to or Requests for NSF Approval
  Under Grants
    ¤ Submit Proposals to NSF
    ¤ Administer Revised Budgets
    ¤ View/Print Organization's Award Letters
    ¤ View Project Reports
    ¤ Review/Revise Organizational Information
    ¤ Authorized Organizational Representative Functions
  NSF Proposals in EDI Format
    ¤ Transfer EDI Proposals
    ¤ Check Status
Financial Functions
  Submit Federal Cash Transaction Report
  Cash Requests
    ¤ New Cash Requests
    ¤ History of Cash Requests
    ¤ Track Payments
  Grantee EFT
    ¤ Grantee EFT Update
    ¤ Grantee EFT History
Proposal Review
  Edit Reviewer Information
  View / Print Proposal
  Proposal Review Criteria
Panelist Functions
  Prepare Review
  View / Print Proposal
  Travel Plans
  Electronic Fund Transfer
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National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: 703-292-5111, FIRS: 800-877-8339 | TDD: 703-292-5090

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