National Ocean Service RSS Feed Library

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RSS feed icon NOS RSS Feeds

NOS Assistant Administrator Updates
Follow messages and updates from the National Ocean Service Assistant Administrator with this feed.

Ocean Facts
Learn more about the ocean and the creatures that live there with this feed.

Get the latest news from the National Ocean Service with this feed.

NOS In Brief
Get weekly news "shorts" from the National Ocean Service with this feed.

NOS Topics
In-depth overviews of National Ocean Service topics ranging from oil spills to global positioning!

NOS Images
View the latest photos from the National Ocean Service with this feed.

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
News covering your National Marine Sanctuaries and our continuing efforts to conserve our nation's ocean and coastal treasures.

DARRP Oil Spill and Hazardous Waste Site News
This feed provides updates about Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) oil spill and hazardous waste sites that NOAA is addressing across the coastal United States. Restoration plans and events, settlement news, reports on ecological and economic impacts, and other relevant information are posted to this feed.

Incident News
Subscribe to this feed to receive information about oil spills and other incidents where NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration is providing scientific support for the incident response.

Podcast icon NOS Podcasts

Diving Deeper
Connect with ocean experts in our podcast series that explores questions about the ocean environment. Get ready to Dive Deeper!

Making Waves
From corals to coastal science, catch the current of the ocean with our audio and video podcast, Making Waves.

Ocean Shorts
Ocean Shorts brings you the best of our Diving Deeper and Making Waves podcasts.

Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary Ocean Currents
Ocean Currents is hosted by Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary on KWMR, community radio for West Marin in Northern California. The show hosts ocean experts about research, management issues, natural history, and stewardship associated with marine environment, especially in our National Marine Sanctuaries.

RSS feed icon Other Feeds

Ocean Today
This feed, updated three times a week, is a complement to the Ocean Hall exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Visitors to this museum can view this feed 'live' on the ticker tape scrolling above the Ocean Today kiosk exhibit.

NOAA's National Weather Service RSS Feeds
A compilation of feeds from the National Weather Service on topics such as local storm reports, hurricane/tropical cyclone alerts, tsunami warnings, and much more.

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What is RSS?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a family of web formats used to publish frequently updated digital content. Most commonly used to update news articles and other content that changes quickly, RSS feeds may also include podcast episodes (audio and video files).

Users of RSS content use programs called feed 'readers' or 'aggregators' (newer versions of Web browsers offer built in support for RSS feeds). A user 'subscribes' to a feed by entering the link of the RSS feed into their RSS feed reader; the RSS feed reader then checks the subscribed feeds to see if any have new content since the last time it checked, and if so, retrieves the new content and presents it to the user.