100 Congregations for Million Hearts®

Does your congregation or faith-based organization have a desire to live a heart-healthy life? Join 100 Congregations for Million Hearts®! This faith-based program is designed to help guide your members toward a heart-healthy lifestyle by combatting two of the leading causes of death in the United States: heart disease and stroke.

The 100 Congregations for Million Hearts® [PDF-615K] have taken the first step to help their members live longer, healthier, more productive lives. Join them today!


The goal of 100 Congregations is to enlist the support of faith-based organizations to help raise awareness about risks for heart disease and stroke and educate individuals about prevention, including a focus on high blood pressure control. Congregations designate one member to serve as a Million Hearts® advocate and resource for heart health information.

Participating Congregations

In addition to designating a Million Hearts® advocate, participating congregations are asked to:

Ready to Join?

Contact millionhearts@cms.hhs.gov to get started or ask questions.


Explore Million Hearts® events and activities near you.

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