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#Mathemati-Con at JMM 2017
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AMS Bulletin - January 2017
AMS Notices: January 2017
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Introducing AMS Open Math NotesOpen Math Notes

A repository of course notes, textbooks, and research expositions in progress, all freely available and ideal for use as teaching and research aids.

AMS on OverleafOverleaf

Contributors to select AMS journals can get a free year of access to Overleaf Pro. Authors can use the official AMS LaTeX templates to write, collaborate, and submit articles, all from within the Overleaf platform.

The Scholarly Kitchen

Image by Kabir Bakie via Wikimedia CommonsThe Future of Authorship
AMS Associate Executive Director Robert Harington discusses the need for academic publishers to understand online communities more fully.  Read more at the Scholarly Kitchen.

Bulletin of the AMS

Bulletin of the AMS Generalizations of Fourier analysis, and how to apply them
( view abstract )
Generalizations of Fourier analysis, and how to apply them
This is a survey of the use of Fourier analysis in additive combinatorics, with a particular focus on situations where it cannot be straightforwardly applied but needs to be generalized first. Sometimes very satisfactory generalizations exist, while sometimes we have to make do with theories that have some of the desirable properties of Fourier analysis but not all of them. In the latter case, there are intriguing hints that there may be more satisfactory theories yet to be discovered. This article grew out of the Colloquium Lectures at the Joint Meeting of the AMS and the MAA, given in Seattle in January 2016.

Browse the archive 1891 - 2016.

Featured Publication

Algebra in Action: A Course in Groups, Rings, and Fields by Shahriar ShahriariAlgebra in Action: A Course in Groups, Rings, and Fields
Shahriar Shahriari
Aimed at undergraduates who are new to abstract algebra, this text is a readable, student-friendly, and somewhat sophisticated introduction to groups, rings, and fields.

Game Theory, Alive by Anna Karlin and Yuval Peres Game Theory, Alive
Anna Karlin
Yuval Peres
By focusing on theoretical highlights and presenting exciting connections between game theory and other fields, this broad overview emphasizes game theory's real-world applications and mathematical foundations.

It's About Time: Elementary Mathematical Aspects of Relativity by Roger CookeIt's About Time: Elementary Mathematical Aspects of Relativity
Roger Cooke
This book explores a selection of topics from special and general relativity, accompanied by mathematical explanations accessible to those at the intermediate undergraduate level.

Research Journals Spotlight

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