
The FundRef funder identification service provides a standard way to report funding sources for published scholarly research. CrossRef facilitates FundRef by encouraging collaboration between funding bodies and scholarly publishers. CrossRef has provided the following tools: fundref logo

FundRef Search

A beta search of FundRef metadata records deposited during the pilot phase of FundRef in 2012-2013. As additional publishers join FundRef, FundRef search will return additional results. The existing data includes records representing all of the funding bodies that were part of the pilot plus additional data other agencies.

FundRef Registry

The FundRef Registry is a taxonomy of 4000 funder names, abbreviations, and alternate names donated by Elsevier. This controlled vocabulary is freely available and can be incorporated into manuscript submission systems.

FundRef Deposits

FundRef deposit statistics.

The CHallenge

  • Lack of standard funding sources names and metadata makes it difficult to analyze or mine the text.
  • Funding bodies cannot easily track the output of their expenditures.
  • Publishers cannot easily identify the major funders of the research they publish.
  • Research institutions cannot easily identify major funders of their employees’ scholarly output.


  1. FundRef Registry provides a taxonomy of 4000 standardized funder names.
  2. Manuscript tracking system vendors incorporate FundRef Registry into the publication submission processes. Publishers ask authors to select correct funders and provide grant numbers upon manuscript submission.
  3. Funder information transferred to publisher production systems.
  4. Publishers send funder information to CrossRef
  5. Funders and others query CrossRef and receive DOIs and metadata for articles resulting from their funding.
  6. Publishers may display FundRef data in CrossMark Record tab.

fundref workflo





FundRef Workflow


  • Funding organizations, which will be able to better track the results of their funding policies.
  • Authors, in simplifying their submission process
  • Research institutions, which will be able to track the productivity of their employees
  • Publishers, which will be able to analyze the sources of funding for their published content, and
  • Readers and the public, by providing greater transparency into the results of R&D funding.


  1. Sign up for FundRef
  2. Ask manuscript tracking system vendors to incorporate FundRef Registry
  3. Ask production vendors to support FundRef metadata enhancements to CrossRef schema for deposits
  4. Ask authors to select funding information on submission
  5. Submit FundRef data to CrossRef
  6. Display FundRef data on CrossMark Record tab (optional)
  7. Query CrossRef for funding data.

Research Institutions

  1. Query for funder name at FundRef Search, or any metadata field (ORCID, author name, DOI) at other CrossRef query services, (CrossRef Metadata Search, affiliate Query account, OpenURL, Linked Data, or CrossRef Metadata Services) to retrieve funding information.


  1. Complete FundRef Information upon manuscript submission
  2. View FundRef Information on CrossMark Record tab.
  3. Query for funding information at FundRef Search or CrossRef Metadata Search.

Pilot Participants

American Institute of Physics (AIP)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Elsevier Science
Nature Publishing Group
Oxford University Press

US Department of Energy
US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
US National Science Foundation
Wellcome Trust

FundRef Members

American Chemical Society
American Diabetes Association
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
American Physical Society
American Psychiatric Publishing
American Psychological Association (APA)
Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM)
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Internet Medical Publishing
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
IOP Publishing
Just Medical Media Limited
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD)
Kowsar Medical Institute
Landes Bioscience
National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board, Republic of Korea
Optical Society of America (OSA)
The Royal Society

Additional Resources

Why CrossRef

CrossRef creates services for the scholarly community that require technical and business collaboration among organizations that cannot be done more efficiently by a single entity. The deposit and query infrastructure, and the business agreements in place already provide for a way for a large number of publishers members to share metadata to accomplish reference linking, Cited-by linking, plagiarism screening, and version tracking. FundRef meets these criteria, and can be provided with a minimum of new overhead and investment.

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Updated October 4, 2013

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