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230th AAS Meeting

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Christine Jones

After a thorough study of the Society's governance principles and processes, we are going to rewrite our Bylaws with input from you, our members.

At its 229th meeting, the AAS named the recipients of its 2017 prizes for outstanding achievements in research, instrument development, and education.

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The Society is saddened to learn of the passing of member Neil Gehrels, who passed away 6 February 2017.

The Universities Space Research Association recently opened the USRA Keck Remote Observation Site at its headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, saving local astronomers a trip to Hawaii.

Slidecasts of 14 invited talks and prize lectures presented at the January 2017 AAS meeting in Grapevine, Texas, are now online for members. Sign in to view them at your leisure.

Most AAS members receive the magazine Physics Today as a membership benefit. The latest issue is now en route to subscribers' mailboxes and can be accessed online.

The AAS has joined with 150 other organizations to send a letter to President Donald Trump objecting to his January 27th executive order on visas and immigration.

Educators: Apply for the 2017 Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program to travel to Chile and receive in-depth, behind-the-scenes info at some of the world's top observatories. Deadline: 19 February.