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Women's Bureau

Acting Director – Latifa Lyles

Acting Director – Latifa LylesLatifa Lyles is the Acting Director of the Women's Bureau at the Department of Labor where she works to advance and improve standards, practices and opportunities for women in the labor force.

Ms. Lyles previously served as Vice President for Membership of the National Organization for Women (NOW), the nation's largest and oldest grassroots feminist advocacy group, where she served as a principal media spokesperson on a wide range of women's issues appearing on local and national radio and television, and she oversaw the organization's Direct Marketing program.  Prior to her post at NOW, she managed the membership program at Public Justice, the nation's largest public interest law firm which specializes in a broad range of cases from employment discrimination to consumer protection.  She has served as Co-chair of the Older Women's Economic Security Task force of the National Council of Women's Organizations, and on the Women's Coalition for Dignity and Diversity in Media.

Ms. Lyles has extensive, community and political organizing experience and has been working in the social justice movement for over ten years, starting with her work in 1998 as Public Policy Associate for the Older Women's League (OWL) where she focused on economic security issues of mid-life and older women.