Dear Friend,

This is the second notice for the symposium to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the dedication of ATLAS which took place on June 25, 1985.

The 1-1/2 day symposium will highlight the challenging scientific issues that ATLAS has tackled and the technical breakthroughs that made these possible. Then, a forward look at the technical and scientific plans for the facility will be discussed. The celebration will provide opportunities for spontaneous contributions.

We warmly welcome participation by all our users present and past, by all who have played a role in bringing ATLAS into being, formulated and worked on its research program and its continuing development, and by our colleagues in the nuclear science community.

There will be a symposium dinner with cash bar Friday evening at the Argonne Guest House. After dinner speaker is Prof. Peter Paul, Stonybrook University. Companions are very welcome, both at the symposium and the Friday night dinner. The cost of the dinner is $35 per person. Please indicate participation and menu choice on the attached registration form. In case you have already registered, we request that you send the dinner information to the conference secretary.

We are looking forward to your participation and, if you can attend, would appreciate your reply by returning the attached registration form by October 7, 2010 to the symposium secretary.

The Organizing Committee:

Birger Back

Robert Janssens

Teng-Lek Khoo

Richard Pardo

John Schiffer

Symposium Secretary:

Barbara Weller
