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About Us

We are the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that helps millions of Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service. Working hand in hand with local partners, we tap the ingenuity and can-do spirit of the American people to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our nation.

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From Our Blog

By: Ted Miller, Chief of External Affairs

Days before Christmas, and minutes after a delivery person left a box full of an AmeriCorps alum’s t-shirts, a thief took the box right off their porch—crushing the Ballard family’s hope of creating a quilt made of the Habitat for Humanity and AmeriCorps NCCC shirts their daughter, Jackie, wore during her years of service. 

Jackie Bickel, served in AmeriCorps NCCC in 2006 and with Austin Habitat for Humanity as an AmeriCorps member in 2007. Her experience in AmeriCorps was so important to her, that her mother wanted to make her a keepsake to remember it by.

KOAT-TV in Albuquerque aired a story about the shirt caper, and we connected with the family after it aired. This morning, we delivered a box of AmeriCorps shirts that will make that quilt a reality. 

Our New Mexico State Director Michael Garcia delivers AmeriCorps shirts to the Jackie and her family. 

Thank you to Habitat for Humanity and AmeriCorps NCCC for helping us recreate this special delivery for Jackie and her family. We can’t wait to see the #AmeriQuilt!!!

By: Ted Miller, Chief of External Affairs

Days before Christmas, and minutes after a delivery person left a box full of an AmeriCorps alum’s t-shirts, a thief took the box right off their...

By: Lily Zandniapour, Mandi Prichard, CNCS Office of Research & Evaluation

CNCS is informing the impact investment field through the Social Innovation Fund’s Pay for Success program

Two new research briefs have been published that illustrate CNCS’s commitment to evaluation of the agency’s initiatives. In 2014, 2015 and 2016 the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) was authorized to use up to 20% of the annual Congressional appropriations of Social Innovation Fund (SIF) funds to test Pay for Success (PFS) approaches. Using this authorization, CNCS reinforced its commitment to support innovative solutions and change how public and private sector investors allocate philanthropic resources and launched its PFS program in June 2014. As one of the first federal government agencies to engage in and support the development of the PFS approach at this scale, CNCS took on a leadership role by documenting experiences and lessons learned about this emerging strategy in order to inform the field. CNCS commissioned a national evaluation of the SIF PFS program in order to assess its implementation and develop resources for the field.

As an Impact Investment:

According to a CNCS national assessment research brief published this past month, Pay for Success As an Impact Investment, private-sector capital invested in PFS projects in the U.S. so far has mainly come from socially motivated investors, although more profit-motivated investors could potentially become involved, particularly if government policies are adopted that are supportive of PFS investment.

By: Wendy Spencer

On December 31, Bill Basl will step down as Director of AmeriCorps after four and a half years of exceptional leadership at CNCS.   Bill’s departure – part of the normal transition that occurs at the end of an Administration – culminates a distinguished five-decade career advancing national service and volunteerism at the national, state, and local level.   It also marks the beginning of a new chapter in his lifelong passion for this work, as Bill will continue to be an active voice in service in the United States and throughout the world.

Bill began his service journey as a VISTA Volunteer in Washington State in 1970.  He has served on the staff of three Governors and helped support and design the concepts that eventually became part of the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, which created AmeriCorps.  He served as the first Executive Director of the Washington Commission, a position he held since helping form the Commission in 1993.  At the Commission, Bill founded the nation’s first veterans’ corps, developed innovative partnerships to expand national service, and promoted service and the role of State Commissions on the national level.

Since taking the helm of AmeriCorps in July 2012, Bill has supported efforts to streamline the AmeriCorps grant application process, helped create the new regional training conferences, initiated the Governor Mayor application concept, helped create the Delta Corps which places AmeriCorps members in needy areas of the Mississippi Delta, and encouraged new efforts to engage youth 14 and above in summer service opportunities.  He also was an early supporter of new AmeriCorps research to bring similar programs together to more efficiently utilize program funds to support these efforts.

Reflecting on his time as AmeriCorps Director, Bill said:


AmeriCorps alum, Cody Zirkle, in the field as a Reclamation Specialist for the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement.  

My first term as an AmeriCorps VISTA was at a Boys & Girls Club near my hometown in VA. I served as social media coordinator and played somewhat of an outreach role. This was the first time I was placed in a networking position and I really liked it, but it did come a little easier as I knew a lot of the other organizations that we dealt with since I lived nearby. It did help me break out of my comfort zone, though, because I was far from social. Nearing the end of this term I decided to push myself and do something different somewhere different.

I then accepted an AmeriCorps position on a construction crew for Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans, LA…way out of my comfort zone. I wasn’t a fan of cities or meeting new people, nor had any construction experience, but that all changed quickly. 

Throughout my AmeriCorps term I worked with hundreds of volunteers with the faces changing from week to week. Talk about stress. I had to teach new construction techniques to college students on a weekly basis, sometimes only after learning said technique the week before. Over time, this taught me to be a better communicator and how to relate to other people on some sort of equal ground. 

That year led to some great friendships of whom I still keep in touch with today. It also helped me understand selflessness. 

I started this term for some selfish reasons (learn construction, break down some personal walls, travel…), but after a few months in I realized that it wasn’t about me but about putting these people in a home that they could call their own. Their joy became the reason I went to work each day.

From Our CEO | Wendy Spencer

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 As we celebrate the holiday season, it is fitting to take a few moments to reflect on the accomplishments and milestones that define the Corporation...

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