Theory Group

Theoretical research in Argonne's Physics Division addresses a broad range of problems involving the structure and dynamics of hadrons and nuclei. There is a strong emphasis on comparison to data provided by experimental groups at Argonne and worldwide. An overview of our group and its research is available on our Laboratory web page found here.

XXXIInd Annual Midwest Theory Get-Together 2019

Participants from 2018

Twentieth anniversary of Argonne V18 Celebration, March 27, 2015

We had a one-day celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Argonne V18 potential. Click on the license plate for more information.

More details on some of our principal areas of research are given here:

Several of these projects require major numerical simulations using massively parallel state-of-the-art computers, including the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility's IBM Blue Gene/Q (Mira) and the Laboratory Computer Resource Center's Linux cluster (Blues). Many projects also involve collaborators at US and foreign universities, and other national laboratories.

Quantum Monte Carlo for Light Nuclei

For a cool poster of current results click here.