The president-elect has been holding similar meet-and-greets with other titans of industry in critical areas of the economy.

A sobering new report says that only about 7,100 cheetahs are left in the wild.

For the 4-month-old boy, “it was really a matter of luck,” his doctor said.

Amid the gloom, renewable energy proved a real bright spot.

It's the second such video in two weeks, after a cook allegedly fed explosives to a polar bear and recorded the aftermath.

Vera Rubin toppled astronomy's gender barriers — and cleared the way for countless other women.

The atoms that make up your body were produced inside a star and have had a very long adventure.

It’s the most wide-ranging revision of nursing home rules in 25 years.

  • Susan Jaffe | Kaiser Health News
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  • 1 day ago
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Remembering an octopus, a bison, mountain lions and other critters that gave us a break from politics this year.

It's time to give Vera Rubin a Nobel for dark matter.

At least one family blames a variety of health problems on the disposed animals.

  • Associated Press
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  • 1 day ago
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Progress was made this year against cancer, allergies, viruses and other diseases.

A.J. Delgado calls Jason Miller, who quit suddenly on Saturday, “baby-daddy”

Serious and sometimes life-threatening complications include second cancers, heart disorders, cognitive problems and infertility.

Obama officials, insurers predict move would create chaos in health law’s marketplaces.

Methane-laced bovine belches are a major environmental problem. Could a new diet for livestock help solve it?

Yet the crisis masks a "pain gap" for many people.

The Ebola vaccine trial involved nearly 12,000 people in Guinea, according to a study published in the Lancet.

Critics say the revolving door undercuts the agency’s ability to curb the rising opioid epidemic.

It turns out it isn't the cold that's responsible for the deaths. So what is?

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A medida que los precios de los medicamentos han aumentado dramáticamente en la última década, decenas de millones de estadounidenses, en general respetuosos de la ley, han reaccionado cometiendo un a...

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