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The bibliography described below is being made available to promote access to published materials documenting our understanding of the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus). Our understanding of this species, its ecology and our interactions with it depends heavily on scientific studies, historical accounts, and the variety of related publications. This bibliography is intended to help promote understanding and provide information.

This bibliography lists research conducted on the northern fur seal over the past 200 years. To make it more flexible and useful, we have provided both a published technical bibliography and an online database of formal and informal northern fur seal literature.

The technical bibliography1, available here as AFSC Processed Report 2006-05, in pdf format lists materials we deemed of potential importance to scientists and managers.

The more comprehensive Online database utilizes bibliographic software that has, as a subset of its contents, the complete technical bibliography.

Both versions lead to further references, including previous bibliographies. In contrast to the technical bibliography, the online database is more comprehensive and contains entries from newspapers and popular magazines that were judged to be of potential historic value. The online database contains more unpublished material than the technical bibliography. The online database also offers the option of searching and taking advantage of keywords and notes related to information of potential use (keywords found in the database but not listed in the keyword list are used in the bibliographic management process and are not pertinent to subject material).

1 T.L. Scott, K. M. Yano, J. Baker, M. H. Rickey, M. Eames, and C. W. Fowler. 2006. The northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus): A Bibliography. AFSC Processed Report 2006-05, 246p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., NOAA, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle WA 98115

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