CloudSat Product Stats - Algorithm Developer Edition
Product Availability: Full mission availability except for anomalies and maneuver data gaps.

The ECMWF-AUX data set is an intermediate product that contains the set of ancillary ECMWF state variable data interpolated to each CloudSat cloud profiling radar (CPR) bin. These data are required for input to the 2B-GEOPROF, 2B-CLDCLASS, 2B-TAU, and 2B-FLXHR algorithms. The ECMWF -AUX product is created by the Generic-AUX Interpolate-to-Reference algorithm. The input data is obtained from the AN-ECMWF dataset provided by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

Process Description and Interface Control Document (PDICD)

File Name Last Modified
ECMWF-AUX P_R04 PCICD (266.78 KB) July 18, 2007

Algorithm Specifications

Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
INT(1) nbin,nray 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray kg/kg -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray Pa -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray K -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray kg/kg -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray Pa -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray K -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray K -999 == 1 0
Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
INT(2) nray meters -9999 to 8850 9999 == 1 0
INT(2) nbin m -5000 to 30000 -9999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray degrees -90 to 90 1 0
REAL(4) nray degrees -180 to 180 1 0
REAL(4) nray seconds 0 to 6000 1 0
REAL(8) <scalar> seconds 0 to 6e+008 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> seconds 0 to 86400 1 0

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R04 of ECMWF-AUX, MODIS-AUX, & 2B-CLDCLASS released to General Science Community

September 17, 2007
Release 4 of ECMWF-AUX, MODIS-AUX, and 2B-CLDCLASS is now available to the General Science Community via the data ordering system.
All data users are asked to review the known issues page, on-line product specifications, and the summary of changes. If you have any questions concerning the ordering process, contact the DPC.

R04 available to the Science Team

July 19, 2007
Release 4 is now available to the CloudSat Science Team via the data ordering system. This release incorporates several improvements for the data products primarily driven by the development of a surface clutter reduction scheme in 1B-CPR. This affects all products by improving cloud detection near the Earth's surface. In addition, the profile overlap at the beginning and end of each granule has been removed. Granules now start with the first profile on or after the equator on a descending pass and end with the last profile before the equator on the next descending pass. Release 4 also includes the first release of the 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR product.
This annoucement applies to the 1B-CPR, MODIS-AUX, ECMWF-AUX, 2B-GEOPROF, and 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR products.
All data users are asked to review the known issues page, on-line product specifications, and the summary of changes. If you have any questions concerning the ordering process, contact the DPC.

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ECMWF-AUX Related Publications
2017 - Clouds vertical properties over the Northern Hemisphere monsoon regions from CloudSat-CALIPSO measurements
Subrata Kumar Dasa, R.B. Golhaitb, K.N. Umac
Atmos. Res.
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2016 - A CloudSat perspective on the cloud climatology and its association with aerosol perturbations in the vertical over eastern China
Tianmeng Chen, Jianping Guo, Zhanqing Lia, Chuanfeng Zhao, Huan Liu, Maureen Cribb, Fu Wang, Jing He
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2016 - Identification of precipitation onset based on Cloudsat observations
Yu Wang, Yujue Chen, Yunfei Fu, Guosheng Liu
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
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2016 - Cumulus over the Tibetan Plateau in the Summer Based on CloudSat-CALIPSO Data
Yunying Li, Minghua Zhang
J. Climate
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2015 - Assimilation of cloud information from space-borne radar and lidar: experimental study using a 1D 4D-Var technique.
Janisková, M
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - Frequency of occurrence of rain from liquid-, mixed- and ice-phase clouds derived from A-Train satellite retrievals
Mülmenstädt, J., O. Sourdeval, J. Delanoë, and J. Quaas
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - Variability of mixed-phase clouds in the arctic with a focus on the svalbard region: A study based on spaceborne active remote sensing.
Mioche G, Jourdan O, Ceccaldi M, Delanoë J.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2015 - Extensive closed cell marine stratocumulus downwind of Europe - A large aerosol cloud mediated radiative effect or forcing?
Goren, T., and D. Rosenfeld
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Vicarious calibration of S-NPP/VIIRS day-night band using deep convective clouds
Ma, Shuo, Wei Yan, Yun-Xian Huang, Wei-Hua Ai, and Xianbin Zhao
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2014 - Cloud properties and radiative effects of the Asian summer monsoon derived from A-Train data.
Berry, E.,
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Remote sensing of cloud top pressure/height from SEVIRI: analysis of ten current retrieval algorithms
Hamann, U., A. Walther, B. Baum, R. Bennartz, L. Bugliaro, M. Derrien, P. N. Francis, A. Heidinger, S. Joro, A. Kniffka, H. Le Gléau, M. Lockhoff, H.-J. Lutz, J. F. Meirink, P. Minnis, R. Palikonda, R. Roebeling, A. Thoss, S. Platnick, P. Watts, and G. Wind
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2014 - Diagnosing the average spatio-temporal impact of convective systems - Part 2: A model intercomparison using satellite data
Johnston, M.S., S. Eliasson, P. Eriksson, R. M. Forbes, A. Gettelman, P. Räisänen, and M. D. Zelinka
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2014 - Differential absorption radar techniques - Part 1: Surface pressure.
Millan, L., M. Lebsock, N. Livesey, S. Tanelli, and G. Stephens
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.
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2014 - Evaluation of hydrometeor frequency of occurrence in a limited-area numerical weather prediction system using near real-time CloudSat-CALIPSO observations
Protat, A., Young, S. A., Rikus, L. and Whimpey, M.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Reconciling Ground-Based and Space-Based Estimates of the Frequency of Occurrence and Radiative Effect of Clouds around Darwin, Australia.
Protat, A., S. A. Young, S. A. McFarlane, T. L'Ecuyer, G. G. Mace, J. M. Comstock, C. N. Long, E. Berry, and J. Delanoë
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2014 - Clouds, Aerosol, and Precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer: An ARM Mobile Facility Deployment.
Wood, R., M. Wyant, C. S. Bretherton, J. Rémillard, P. Kollias, J. Fletcher, J. Stemmler, S. deSzoeke, S. E. Yuter, M. Miller, D. Mechem, G. Tselioudis, C. Chiu, J. Mann, E. O'Connor, R. Hogan, X. Dong, M. Miller, V. Ghate, A. Jefferson, Q. Min, P. Minnis, R. Palinkonda, B. Albrecht, E. Luke, C. Hannay, Y. Lin
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2014 - Adapting Two-Moment Microphysics Schemes across Model Resolutions: Subgrid Cloud and Precipitation Fraction and Microphysical Sub-Time Step
Chosson, F., P. A. Vaillancourt, J. A. Milbrandt, M. K. Yau, and A. Zadra
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2014 - Characterising observed mid-topped cloud regimes associated with Southern Ocean shortwave radiation biases.
Mason, S. C. Jakob, A. Protat, and J. Delanoë
J. Climate
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2014 - Observational Boundary Layer Energy and Water Budgets of the Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition.
Kalmus, P., Matthew Lebsock, and João Teixeira
J. Climate
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2014 - Relationships between Ice Water Content and Volume Extinction Coefficient from In Situ Observations for Temperatures from 0° to −86°C: Implications for Spaceborne Lidar Retrievals
Heymsfield, A. J., D. Winker, M. Avery, M. Vaughan, G. Diskin, M. Deng, V. Mitev, and R. Matthey
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2013 - Synergies and complementarities of CloudSat-CALIPSO snow observations
Battaglia, A. and J. Delanoë
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Cirrus Cloud Properties and the Large-Scale Meteorological Environment: Relationships Derived from A-Train and NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis Data
Berry, E. and Gerald G. Mace
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2013 - From CloudSat-CALIPSO to EarthCare: Evolution of the DARDAR cloud classification and its comparison to airborne radar-lidar observations
Ceccaldi, M., J. Delanoë, R. J. Hogan, N. L. Pounder, A. Protat, and J. Pelon
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Comparison of airborne in situ, airborne radar-lidar, and spaceborne radar-lidar retrievals of polar ice cloud properties sampled during the POLARCAT campaign
Delanoë J., Protat A., Jourdan O., Dupuy R., et al
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2013 - Tropical Clouds and Circulation Changes During the 2006-07 and 2009-10 El Niños
Su, H., and J.H. Jiang
J. Climate
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2012 - A study on the low-altitude clouds over the Southern Ocean using the DARDAR-MASK.
Huang, Y., S. T. Siems, M. J. Manton, A. Protat, and J. Delanoë
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Influence of the Arctic Oscillation on the vertical distribution of clouds as observed by the A-train constellation of satellites
Devasthale, A., M. Tjernström, M. Caian, M. A. Thomas, B. H. Kahn, and E. J. Fetzer
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2012 - Experimental 1D 4D-Var assimilation of CloudSat observations
Janisková M., Lopez P., Bauer P.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2012 - Characterization of Arctic ice cloud properties observed during ISDAC
Jouan, C., E. Girard, J. Pelon, I. Gultepe, J. Delanoë, and J.-P. Blanchet
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Probability Density Functions of Liquid Water Path and Total Water Content of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds: Implications for Cloud Parameterization
Kawai, H., and João Teixeira
J. Climate
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2012 - Evaluation of an ice cloud parameterization based on a dynamical-microphysical lifetime concept using CloudSat observations and the ERA-Interim reanalysis
Ma, H.-Y.,M. Köhler, J.-L. F. Li, J. D. Farrara, C. R.Mechoso, R. M. Forbes, and D. E. Waliser
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Arctic Clouds and Surface Radiation - a critical comparison of satellite retrievals and the ERA-Interim reanalysis
Zygmuntowska, M., T. Mauritsen, J. Quaas, and L. Kaleschke
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2012 - Diurnal and seasonal cycles of cloud occurrences, types and radiative impact over West Africa
Bouniol, D., Fleur Couvreux, Pierre-Honoré Kamsu-Tamo, Madeleine Leplay, Françoise Guichard, Florence Favot, and Ewan J. O'Connor
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2012 - Interpreting an evaluation of the ECMWF global model with CloudSat observations: ambiguities due to radar reflectivity forward operator uncertainties.
Di Michele, S., Ahlgrimm, M., Forbes, R., Kulie, M., Bennartz, R., Janisková, M. and Bauer, P.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2012 - On the observation of unusual high concentration of small chain-like aggregate ice crystals and large ice water contents near the top of a deep convective cloud during the CIRCLE-2 experiment.
Gayet, J.-F., G. Mioche, L. Bugliaro, A. Protat, A. Minikin, M. Wirth, A. Dörnbrack, B. Mayer , A. Garnier, and C. Gourbeyre
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2011 - Evaluation of ice cloud representation in the ECMWF and UK Met Office models using CloudSat and CALIPSO data
Delanoë J., Hogan R.J., Stein T.H.M., Forbes R.M., Bodas-Salcedo A.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2011 - The vertical cloud structure of the West African monsoon: A four-year climatology using CloudSat and CALIPSO.
Stein, T. H. M., D. J. Parker, J. Delanoë, N. S. Dixon, R. J. Hogan, P. Knippertz, R. I. Maidment and J. H. Marsham
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2011 - A comparison between four different retrieval methods for ice cloud properties using data from the CloudSat, CALIPSO, and MODIS satellites
Stein, T. H. M., J. Delanoë, R. J. Hogan
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2010 - The ECMWF re-analysis for the AMMA observational campaign.
Agusti-Panareda, A., A. Beljaars, M. Ahlgrimm, G. Balsamo, O. Bock, R. Forbes, A. Ghelli, F. Guichard, M. Köhler, R. Meynadier and J.-J. Morcrette
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2010 - Combined CloudSat-CALIPSO-MODIS retrievals of the properties of ice clouds
Delanoë, J., and R. J. Hogan
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - The evaluation of cloudsat and calipso ice microphysical products using ground-based cloud radar and lidar observations.
Protat, A., J. Delanoë, E. J. O'Connor, T. S. L'Ecuyer
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2009 - Understanding the Importance of Microphysics and Macrophysics for Warm Rain in Marine Low Clouds - Part I. Satellite Observations.
Kubar, T. L., Hartmann, D.L. and Wood, R.
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2009 - How often does it rain over the global oceans? The perspective from CloudSat
Ellis, T., T L'Ecuyer, J M. Haynes, and G L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - Assessment of Cloudsat Reflectivity Measurements and Ice Cloud Properties Using Ground-Based and Airborne Cloud Radar Observations
Protat, A., D. Bouniol, D. Delanoë, et al.
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2009 - Unexpected peak near −15°C in CloudSat echo top climatology
Riley, E. M., and B. E. Mapes
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - Rainfall retrieval over the ocean with spaceborne W-band radar
Haynes, J. M., T. S. L'Ecuyer, G. L. Stephens, S. D. Miller, C. Mitrescu, N. B. Wood, and S. Tanelli
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Utilizing spaceborne radars to retrieve dry snowfall
Kulie, M.S. and R. Bennartz
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2009 - Global Observations of Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation occurrence in Warm Maritime Clouds
L'Ecuyer, T. S., W. Berg, J. Haynes, M. Lebsock, and T. Takemura
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Comparisons of satellites liquid water estimates to ECMWF and GMAO analyses, 20th century IPCC AR4 climate simulations, and GCM simulations
Li, Jui-Lin F., Waliser, D., Woods, C., Teixeira, J., Bacmeister, J., Chern, J., Shen, B.-W., Tompkins, A., Tao, W.-K., Köhler, M.
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - CloudSat mission: Performance and early science after the first year of operation
Stephens, G.L., D. G. Vane, S. Tanelli, E. Im, S. Durden, M. Rokey, D. Reinke, P. Partain, G. G. Mace, R. Austin, T.S. L'Ecuyer, J. Haynes, M. Lebsock, K. Suzuki, D. Waliser, D. Wu, J. Kay, A. Gettleman, Z. Wang, and R. Marchand
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Cloud properties from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and evaluation with Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations
Stubenrauch, C.J., S. Cros, N. Lamquin, R. Armante, A. Chédin, C. Crevoisier, N. A. Scott
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Testing IWC retrieval methods using radar and ancillary measurements with in-situ data.
Heymsfield, A. J., A. Protat, R. T. Austin, D. Bouniol, R. J. Hogan, J. Delanoë, H. Okamoto, K. Sato, G.-J. van Zadelhoff, D. P. Donovan, and Z. Wang
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2008 - Altitude resolved ice-fraction in the uppermost tropical troposphere
Ekström, M., Eriksson, P.
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2007 - Assessing Consistency between EOS MLS and ECMWF Analyzed and Forecast Estimates of Cloud Ice
Li, J.-L., J. H. Jiang, D. E. Waliser, A. Tompkins
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2016 - Arctic Observation and Reanalysis Integrated System: A New Data Product for Validation and Climate Study.
Christensen, M., A. Behrangi, T. L'Ecuyer, N. Wood, M. Lebsock, and G. Stephens
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2016 - A-Train Based Case Study of Stratiform - Convective Transition within a Warm Conveyor Belt
Crespo, J. A., and D. J. Posselt
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2016 - Factors Controlling Low-Cloud Evolution over the Eastern Subtropical Oceans: A Lagrangian Perspective Using the A-Train Satellites.
Eastman, R. and R. Wood
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2016 - Cloud properties during active and break spells of the West African Summer Monsoon from CloudSat-CALIPSO measurements
Efon E, Lenouo A, Monkam D, Manatsa D
J. of Atmos. and Solar - Terrestrial Physics
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2016 - A shallow cumuliform snowfall census using spaceborne radar
Kulie, M. S., L. Milani, N. B. Wood, S. A. Tushaus, R. Bennartz, and T. S. L'Ecuyer
J. Hydrometeor.
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2016 - The Impacts of Precipitating Clouds Radiative Effects on Land Surface Properties in Contemporary GCMs and Advanced Reanalysis Data using Satellite Observations
Li, J.-L. F., W.-L. Lee, Jia-Yuh Yu, G. Hulley, Eric Fetzer, Yi-Chun Chen,Yi-Hui Wang
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Cumulus over the Tibetan Plateau in the summer based on CloudSat-CALIPSO data
LI Y., ZHANG M., & LI Y.
J. Climate
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2016 - Evaluation of ACCESS model cloud properties over the Southern Ocean area using multiple-satellite products
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2016 - Evaluation of current and projected Antarctic precipitation in CMIP5 models
Palerme, C., Genthon, C., Claud, C., Kay, J. E., Wood, N. B. and T. L'Ecuyer
Clim Dyn
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2016 - A Revised Prognostic Cloud Fraction Scheme in a Global Forecasting System.
PARK, R., J. Chae, and S. Hong
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2016 - Systematic Changes in Cloud Radiative Forcing with Aerosol Loading for Deep Clouds in the Tropics
Peng, J., Z. Li, H. Zhang, J. Liu and M. Cribb
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2016 - High-Resolution Simulations of the 2010 Pakistan Flood Event: Sensitivity to Parameterizations and Initialization Time
Viterbo, F., Jost von Hardenberg, Antonello Provenzale, Luca Molini, Antonio Parodi, Ousmane O. Sy, and Simone Tanelli
J. Hydrometeor.
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2016 - Observation-based Longwave Cloud Radiative Kernels Derived from the A-Train.
Yue, Q., B. Kahn, E. Fetzer, M. Schreier, S. Wong, X. Chen, and X. Huang
J. Climate
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2016 - Advances in studies of cloud overlap and its radiative transfer issues in the climate models
ZHANG, Hua; and Xianwen JING
Acta Meteorologica Sinica
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2016 - Status of high-latitude precipitation estimates from observations and reanalyses
Behrangi, A.; Christensen, M.; Richardson, M.; Lebsock, M.; Stephens, G.; Huffman, G.J.; Bolvin, D.; Adler, R.F.; Gardner, A.; Lambrigtsen, B.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Convective and large-scale mass flux profiles over tropical oceans determined from synergistic analysis of a suite of satellite observations
Masunaga, H. and Z. J. Luo
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Observational evidence linking precipitation and mesoscale cloud fraction in the southeast Pacific
Rapp, A.D
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2016 - Comparison of Snowfall estimates from the NASA CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar and NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System
Sheng Chen, Yang Hong, Mark Kulie, A. Behrangi, Phillip M. Stepanian, Qing Cao, Yalei You, Jian Zhang, Junjun Hu, Xinhua Zhang
Journal of Hydrology
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2016 - Development of the Community Active Sensor Module (CASM): Forward Simulation
B. T. Johnson, and S. A. Boukabara
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.
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2016 - Using satellite and reanalysis data to evaluate the representation of latent heating in extratropical cyclones in a climate model
Matt Hawcroft, Helen Dacre, Richard Forbes, Kevin Hodges, Len Shaffrey, Thorwald Stein
Clim Dyn
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2016 - Variability of Oceanic Deep Convective System Vertical Structures Observed by CloudSat in Indo-Pacific Regions Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation
Jian Yuan
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2016 - Improved Retrieval of Cloud Liquid Water from CloudSat and MODIS
Jussi Leinonen, Matthew D. Lebsock, Graeme L. Stephens, Kentaroh Suzuki
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2016 - A parametrization of 3-D subgrid-scale clouds for conventional GCMs: Assessment using A-Train satellite data and solar radiative transfer characteristics
Howard W. Barker,Jason N. S. Cole,Jiangnan Li,Knut von Salzen
J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.
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2016 - Dependence of positive refractivity bias of GPS RO cloudy profiles on cloud fraction along GPS RO limb tracks
S. Yang, X. Zou
GPS Solutions
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2015 - Estimation of Errors for Two-Stream Approximations of the Solar Radiative Transfer Equation for Cloudy Atmospheres.
Barker, H. W., J. N. S. Cole, J. Li, B. Yi, and P. Yang
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - Investigating the role of multi-spectral and near surface temperature and humidity data to improve precipitation detection at high latitudes.
Behrangi, Ali, Hai Nguyen, Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Mathias Schreier, and Van Dang
Atmos. Res.
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2015 - The effect of increased convective entrainment on Asian monsoon biases in the MetUM general circulation model.
Bush, Stephanie J., Andrew G. Turner, Steven J. Woolnough, Gill M. Martin, and Nicholas P. Klingaman
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - Cloud radiative driving of the Madden-Julian Oscillation as seen by the A-Train.
Del Genio, A.D., and Y. Chen
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - CloudSat 2C-ICE product update with a new Ze parameterization in lidar-only region
Deng, M., G. G. Mace, Z. Wang, and E. Berry
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Generalizing cloud overlap treatment to include the effect of wind shear.
Di Giuseppe F, Tompkins AM
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - Meso-scale modelling and radiative transfer simulations of a snowfall event over France at microwaves for passive and active modes and evaluation with satellite observations
Galligani, V. S., Prigent, C., Defer, E., Jimenez, C., Eriksson, P., Pinty, J.-P., and Chaboureau, J.-P.
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2015 - Seasonal variation and physical properties of the cloud system over southeastern China derived from CloudSat products.
Guo, Zhun, and Tianjun Zhou
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2015 - The characteristics of ice cloud properties derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements.
Hong, Y. and G. Liu
J. Climate
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2015 - Evaluation of boundary-layer cloud forecasts over the Southern Ocean in a limited-area numerical weather prediction system using in situ, space-borne and ground-based observations.
Huang, Yi, Charmaine N. Franklin, Steven T. Siems, Michael J. Manton, Thomas Chubb, Adrian Lock, Simon Alexander, and Andrew Klekociuk
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - The Relative Influence of Environmental Characteristics on Deep Convective Morphology as Observed by CloudSat
Igel, M. R.and S. C. van den Heever
J. Geophys. Res.
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2015 - Characteristics of cirrus clouds in the tropical lower stratosphere
Iwasaki, S., Z. J. Luo, H. Kubota, T. Shibata, H. Okamoto, and H. Ishimoto
Atmos. Res.
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2015 - The vertical structure of cloud radiative heating over the Indian subcontinent during summer monsoon
Johansson, E., A. Devasthale, T. L'Ecuyer, A. M. L. Ekman, and M. Tjernstrom
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2015 - Characteristics of the Cloud Top Heights of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and the Frequency of Marine Fog over Mid-Latitudes
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan
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2015 - Distributional correspondence of 94-GHz radar reflectivity with the variation in water cloud properties over the northwestern Pacific and China.
Kawamoto, K., and K. Suzuki
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
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2015 - Observed and modeled warm rainfall occurrence and its relationships with cloud macrophysical properties
King JM, Kummerow CD, Van Den Heever S,C., Igel MR
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - The Observed State of the Energy Budget in the Early 21st Century
L'Ecuyer, T., H. Beaudoing, M. Rodell, W. Olson, B. Lin, S. Kato, C. Clayson, E. Wood, J. Sheffield, R. Adler, G. Huffman, M. Bosilovich, G. Gu, F. Roberston, P. Houser, D. Chambers, J. Famiglietti, E. Fetzer, W. Liu, X. Gao, C. Schlosser, E. Clark, D. Lettenmaier and K. Hilburn
J. Climate
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2015 - Underestimation of oceanic warm cloud occurrences by the Cloud Profiling Radar aboard CloudSat.
LIU, D, Qi LIU, and Lingli ZHOU
J. Meteor. Res.
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2015 - Vertically resolved separation of dust and other aerosol types by a new lidar depolarization method
Luo T., Z. Wang, R. A. Ferrare, C. A. Hostetler, R. Yuan, and D. Zhang
Optics Express
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2015 - Global dust distribution from improved thin dust layer detection using A-train satellite lidar observations
Luo T., Z. Wang, D. Zhang, X. Liu, Y. Wang, and R. Yuan
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - Quantifying the Hygroscopic Growth of Marine Boundary Layer Aerosols by Satellite-Based and Buoy Observations.
Luo T., R. Yuan, Z. Wang, and D. Zhang
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - How does increasing horizontal resolution in a global climate model improve the simulation of aerosol-cloud interactions?
Ma, P.-L., P. J. Rasch, M. Wang, H. Wang, S. J. Ghan, R. C. Easter, W. I. GustafsonJr., X. Liu, Y. Zhang, and H.-Y. Ma
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - The Role of Clouds in Modulating Global Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects in Spaceborne Active Observations and the Community Earth System Model.
Matus, A. V., T. S. L'Ecuyer, J. E. Kay, C. Hannay, and J.-F. Lamarque
J. Climate
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2015 - Evaluation of cloud-resolving model simulations of midlatitude cirrus with ARM and A-train observations
Muhlbauer, A., T. P. Ackerman, R. P. Lawson, S. Xie, and Y. Zhang
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Systematic changes in cloud radiative forcing with aeorosol loading for deep clouds from multi-year global A-Train satellite datasets
Peng, J., Z. Li, H. Zhang, J. Liu, M. Cribb
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2015 - Cloud radiative forcing induced by the multi-layered cloud and its impact on the atmospheric heating rate
Qiaoyi, L., L. Jiming, W. Tianhe and H. Jianping
J. Meteor. Res.
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2015 - A parameterization of the probability of snow-rain transition.
Sims, E. and G. Liu
J. Hydrometeor.
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2015 - The representation of the West African monsoon vertical cloud structure in the Met Office Unified Model: an evaluation with CloudSat.
Stein, Thorwald H. M., Douglas J. Parker, Robin J. Hogan, Cathryn E. Birch, Christopher E. Holloway, Grenville M. S. Lister, John H. Marsham, and Steven J. Woolnough
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2015 - Satellite estimates of precipitation susceptibility in low-level marine stratiform clouds
Terai, C. R., R. Wood, and T. L. Kubar
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Remote Sensing of Tropical Cyclones: Observations from CloudSat and A-Train Profilers.
Tourville, N., G. Stephens, M. DeMaria, and D. Vane
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2015 - Orographic effects of the subtropical and extratropical Andes on upwind precipitating clouds
Viale, M., and R. Garreaud
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - A new ice cloud parameterization for infrared radiative transfer simulation of cloudy radiances: Evaluation and optimization with IIR observations and ice cloud profile retrieval products
Vidot, J., A. J. Baran, and P. Brunel
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - A climatology of the precipitation over the southern ocean as observed at macquarie island.
Wang Z, Siems ST, Belusic D, Manton MJ, Huang Y.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2015 - Global and regional modeling of clouds and aerosols in the marine boundary layer during VOCALS: the VOCA Intercomparison.
Wyant, M.C., C. S. Bretherton, R. Wood, G. R. Carmichael, A. Clarke, J. Fast, R. C. George, W. I. Gustafson Jr., C. Hannay, A. Lauer, Y. Lin J.-J. Morcrette, J. Mulcahy, P. E. Saide, S. N. Spak, and Q. Yang
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2015 - Deep convective clouds over the northern Pacific and their relationship with oceanic cyclones.
Yi, Mingjian, Yunfei Fu, Peng Liu, and Zhixia Zheng
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2015 - Long-term cloud change imprinted in seasonal cloud variation: More evidence of high climate sensitivity
Zhai, C., J. H. Jiang, and H. Su
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2015 - Aerosol impacts on cloud thermodynamic phase change over East Asia observed with CALIPSO and CloudSat measurements.
Zhang, D., Liu, D., Luo, T., Wang, Z. and Yin, Y.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2015 - Characterizing and understanding cloud ice and radiation budget biases in global climate models and reanalysis
Li, J.-L. F., D. E. Waliser, G. Stephens, S. W. Lee
AMS monograph Attribute to Late Professor Michio Yanai
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2014 - Using longwave HIRS radiances to test climate models
Turner, E.C. and S.F.B. Tett
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Evaluation of mean and intraseasonal variability of Indian summer monsoon simulation in ECHAM5: identification of possible source of bias
Abhik, S., P. Mukhopadhyay, and B.N. Goswami
Clim Dyn
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2014 - A self-consistent scattering model for cirrus. II: The high and low frequencies
Baran, A.J., R. Cotton, K. Furtado, S. Havemann, L-C. Labonnote, F. Marenco, A. Smith, J-C. Thelen
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - What does CloudSat reveal about global land precipitation detection by other spaceborne sensors?
Behrangi, A., Y. Tian, B. H. Lambrigtsen, and G. L. Stephens
Water Resources Research
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2014 - Synoptic-scale dust emissions over the Sahara Desert initiated by a moist convective cold pool in early August 2006.
Bou Karam, D., Williams, E., Janiga, M., Flamant, C., McGraw-Herdeg, M., Cuesta, J., Auby, A. and Thorncroft, C.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Satellite-based estimate of global aerosol<82>Äìcloud radiative forcing by marine warm clouds
Chen Y-C. , M. W. Christensen, G. L. Stephens and J. H. Seinfeld
Nature Geoscience
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2014 - The role of horizontal resolution in simulating drivers of the global hydrological cycle
Demory, M-E., P.L. Vidale, M.J. Roberts, P. Berrisford, J. Strachan, R. Schiemann, M. S. Mizielinski
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Satellite Observations of an Unusual Cloud Formation near the Tropopause.
Nicolas Ferlay, Timothy J. Garrett, and Fanny Minvielle
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2014 - Mixed-phase clouds in a turbulent environment. Part 2: Analytic treatment.
Field, P. R., Hill, A. A., Furtado, K. and Korolev, A.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - On the Representation of High-Latitude Boundary Layer Mixed-Phase Cloud in the ECMWF Global Model
Forbes, R.M. and M. Ahlgrimm
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2014 - Joint analysis of cloud top heights from CloudSat and CALIPSO: New insights into cloud top microphysics
Hagihara, Y., H. Okamoto, Z.J. Luo
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - A-Train Observations of Maritime Mid-latitude Storm Track Cloud Systems: Comparing the Southern Ocean against the North Atlantic
Huang, Y., A. Protat, S. T. Siems, and M. J. Manton
J. Climate
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2014 - An Evaluation of WRF Simulations of Clouds over the Southern Ocean with A-Train Observations.
Huang, Y., S. T. Siems, M. J. Manton, and G. Thompson
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2014 - Tropical Deep Convective Cloud Morphology
Igel, Matthew R.
PhD Dissertation, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
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2014 - A CloudSat Cloud-Object Partitioning Technique and Assessment and Integration of Deep Convective Anvil Sensitivities to Sea Surface Temperature.
Igel, M. R., A. J. Drager, and S. C. van den Heever
J. Geophys. Res.
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2014 - One-dimensional variational (1D-Var) retrieval of middle to upper tropospheric humidity using AIRS radiance data
Ishimoto, H., K. Okamoto, H. Okamoto, and K. Sato
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Distributional correspondence of 94-GHz radar reflectivity with the variation in water cloud properties over the northwestern Pacific and China
Kawamoto, K. and K. Suzuki
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
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2014 - Using a case-study approach to improve the Madden-Julian oscillation in the Hadley Centre model.
Klingaman, N. P. and Woolnough, S. J.
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2014 - Intercomparison of the cloud water phase among global climate models
Komurcu, M., T. Storelvmo, I. Tan, U. Lohmann, Y. Yun, J. Penner, Y. Wang, X. Liu, T. Takemura, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Evaluation of clouds and radiative fluxes in the EC-Earth general circulation model
Lacagnina, C. and F. Selten
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Climatology of anomalous propagation radar over Douala Cameroon.
Lenouo A.
Meteorological Applications
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2014 - Cloud-precipitation-radiation-dynamics interaction in global climate models: A snow and radiation interaction sensitivity experiment
Li, J-L.F., D.E. Waliser, J.D. Neelin, J.P. Stachnik, T. Lee et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Characterizing impacts of precipitating snow hydrometeors in the radiation using the ECMWF IFS global model
Li, J.-L. F., R. M. Forbes, D. E. Waliser, G. Stephens, S. W. Lee,
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Characterizing Tropical Pacific Water Vapor and Radiative Biases in CMIP5 GCMs: Observationally-Based Analyses and A Snow and Radiation Interaction Sensitivity Experiment
Li, J.-L. F., W.-L. Lee, D. E. Waliser, Justin P. Stachnik, Eric Fetzer, Sun Won, Qing Yue
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Observed Linkages between the Northern Annular Mode/North Atlantic Oscillation, Cloud Incidence, and Cloud Radiative Forcing.
Li, Y., D. W. J. Thompson, Y. Huang, and M. Zhang
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2014 - A global survey of the instantaneous linkages between cloud vertical structure and large-scale climate.
Li, Y., D. W. J. Thompson, G. L. Stephens, S. Bony
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Lidar-based remote sensing of atmospheric boundary layer height over land and ocean.
Luo, T., R. Yuan, and Z. Wang
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2014 - On factors controlling marine boundary layer aerosol optical depth
Luo, T., R. Yuan, and Z. Wang
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Interactions in the Southeastern Pacific: The VOCALS Program.
Mechoso, C.R., R. Wood, R. Weller, C. S. Bretherton, A. D. Clarke, H. Coe , C. Fairall, J. T. Farrar, G. Feingold, R. Garreaud, C. Grados, J. C. McWilliams , S. P. de Szoeke, S. E. Yuter, and P. Zuidema
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2014 - Climatology of stratocumulus cloud morphologies: microphysical properties and radiative effects.
Muhlbauer, A., I. L. McCoy, and R. Wood
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.
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2014 - Impact of Large-scale dynamics on the microphysical properties of midlatitude cirrus
Muhllbauer, A., T.P. Ackerman, J.M. Comstock, G.S. Diskin, S.M. Evans, R.P. Lawson, R.T. Marchand, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - How much snow falls on the Antarctic ice sheet?
Palerme, C., J. E. Kay, C. Genthon, T. L'Ecuyer, N. B. Wood and C. Claud
The Cryosphere
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2014 - Temporal and spatial variations of global deep cloud systems based on CloudSat and CALIPSO satellite observations
Peng, J., L. Zi., H. Zhang
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2014 - Configuration and assessment of the GISS ModelE2 contributions to the CMIP5 archive
Schmidt, G.A., et al
J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.
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2014 - Strateosphere-Troposphere exchange corresponding to a deep convection in the warm sector and abnormal subtropical front induced by a cutoff low over East Asia.
Shi, C-H., D. Guo, B. Zheng, and R-Q Liu
Chinese Journal of Geophysics
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2014 - A comparison of precipitation occurrence from the NCEP StageIV QPE Product and the CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar
Smalley, M., T. L'Ecuyer, M. Lebsock, J. Haynes
J. Hydrometeor.
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2014 - 4-D cloud properties from passive satellite data and applications to resolve the flight icing threat to aircraft
Smith, William L Jr.
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin--Madison
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2014 - Observations of aerosol-induced convective invigoration in the tropical east Atlantic
Storer, R.L., S.C. Heever, and T.S. L'Ecuyer
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Weakening and strengthening structures in the Hadley Circulation change under global warming and implications for cloud response and climate sensitivity
Su, H., J. H. Jiang, C. Zhai, T. J. Shen, J. D. Neelin, G. L. Stephens, and Y. L. Yung
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Characterizing tropical overshooting deep convection from joint analysis of CloudSat and geostationary satellite observations
Takahashi, H., and Z.J. Luo
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Observational tests of hurricane intensity estimations using GPS radio occultations
Vergados, P., Z.L. Luo, K. Emanuel, A.J. Mannucci, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2014 - Application of aircraft observations over Beijing in cloud microphysical property retrievals from CloudSat
Wang, L., Li, C., Yao, Z., Zhao, Z., Han, Z., & Wei, Q.
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
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2014 - A Physically Based Algorithm for Non-Blackbody Correction of Cloud-Top Temperature and Application to Convection Study.
Wang, C., Z. (Johnny) Luo, X. Chen, X. Zeng, W-K Tao, and X. Huang
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2014 - Impact of Indian summer monsoon on the South Asia high and its influence on summer rainfall over China
Wei, W., R. Zhang, M. Wen, X. Rong, T. Li
Clim Dyn
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2014 - Long-term Aerosol-mediated Changes in Cloud Radiative Forcing of Deep Clouds at the Top and Bottom of the Atmosphere over the Southern Great Plains
Yan, H., Z. Li, J. Huang, M. Cribb, J. Liu
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2014 - Comparison of NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 total cloud cover with surface observations over the Tibetan Plateau.
You, Q., Jiao, Y., Lin, H., Min, J., Kang, S., Ren, G. and Meng, X.
Int. J. Climatol.
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2014 - Spatial scales of altocumulus clouds observed with collocated CALIPSO and CloudSat measurements.
Zhang, D., T. Luo, Z. Wang and D. Liu
Atmos. Res.
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2014 - Vertical Structures and Physical Properties of the Cold-Season Stratus Clouds Downstream of the Tibetan Plateau: Differences between Daytime and Nighttime.
Zhang, Y., H. Chen, and R. Yu
J. Climate
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2013 - A Validation of CloudSat and CALIPSO's Temperature, Humidity, Cloud Detection, and Cloud Base Height over the Arctic Marine Cryosphere.
Candlish, L. M., Raddatz, R. L., Gunn, G. G., Asplin, M. G., & Barber, D. G.
Atmosphere - Ocean
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2013 - Radiative Impacts of Free-Tropospheric Clouds on the Properties of Marine Stratocumulus
Christensen, M. W., G. Carrio, G. L. Stephens, and W. R. Cotton
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2013 - Evaluation of Several A-Train Ice Cloud Retrieval Products with in situ Measurements Collected during the SPartICus Campaign
Deng, M., G. G. Mace, Z. Wang, and R. P. Lawson
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2013 - Comparison of observed and simulated tropical cumuliform clouds by CloudSat and NICAM.
Dodson, J. B., D. A. Randall, and K. Suzuki
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Systematic and random errors between collocated satellite ice water path observations
Eliasson, S., G. Holl, S. A. Buehler, T. Kuhn, M. Stengel, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, and M. Johnston
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Assessment of the effects of acid-coated ice nuclei on the Arctic cloud microstructure, atmospheric dehydration, radiation and temperature during winter
Girard, E., G. Dueymes, P. Du, A.K. Bertram
Int'l Journal of Climatology
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2013 - Global cloud distribution revealed by combined use of CloudSat/CALIPSO: Comparison using CALIPSO versions 2 and 3 data
Hagihara, Y., Okamoto H.
AIP Conference Proceedings
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2013 - Evaluating cloud microphysics from NICAM against CloudSat and CALIPSO
Hashino, T., M. Satoh, Y. Hagihara, T. Kubota, T. Matsui, T. Nasuno, and H. Okamoto
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Radiative heating characteristics of earth's cloudy atmosphere from vertically resolved active sensors
Haynes, J. M., T. H. Vonder Haar, T. L'Ecuyer, and D. Henderson
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2013 - A Multi-sensor Perspective on the Radiative Impacts of Clouds and Aerosols
Henderson, D., T. L'Ecuyer, G. Stephens, P. Partain, and M. Sekiguchi
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2013 - Observations and Modeling of Ice Water Content in a Mixed-Phase Cloud System
HOU, Tuan-Jie, Heng-Chi LEI, Zhao-Xia HU, and Qiu-Juan FENG
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
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2013 - Analysis of Water Vapor Correction for CloudSat W-Band Radar
Josset, D., Tanelli, S., Hu, Y., Pelon, J., Zhai, P.
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on
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2013 - Comparison of water cloud microphysics over mid-latitude land and ocean using CloudSat and MODIS observations.
Kawamoto, K., and K. Suzuki
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer.
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2013 - An evaluation of a semi-analytical cloud property retrieval using MSG SEVIRI, MODIS and CloudSat
Kuhnlein, M, T Appelhans, B Thies, A A Kokhanovsky, T Nauss
Atmos. Res.
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2013 - Microphysical implications of cloud-precipitation covariance derived from satellite remote sensing
Lebsock, M., H. Morrison, and A. Gettelman
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - The signature of the Brewer-Dobson circulation in tropospheric clouds.
Li, Y., and D. W. J. Thompson
J. Geophys. Res.
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2013 - Detecting snowfall over land by satellite high-frequency microwave observations: The lack of scattering signature and a statistical approach
Liu, G., and E.-K. Seo
J. Geophys. Res.
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2013 - Evaluation of the hydrometeor layers in the East and West Pacific within ISCCP cloud top pressure-optical depth bins using merged CloudSat and CALIPSO data.
Mace, G.G. and F.J. Wrenn
J. Climate
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2013 - Characteristics of landfalling atmospheric rivers inferred from satellite observations over the Eastern North Pacific ocean.
Matrosov, S.Y.
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2013 - Geographically versus dynamically defined boundary layer cloud regimes and their use to evaluate general circulation model cloud parameterizations.
Nam, C and Quaas, J.
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2013 - Comparative study of aircraft- and satellite-derived aerosol and cloud microphysical parameters during CAIPEEX-2009 over the Indian region, International Journal of Remote Sensing
Padmakumari, B., R.S. Maheskumar, G. Harikishan, J.R. Kulkarni and B.N. Goswami
International Journal of Remote Sensing
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2013 - A satellite perspective on cloud water to rain water conversion rates and relationships with environmental conditions
Sorooshian, A., Z. Wang, G. Feingold, T.L'Ecuyer, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Diagnosis of regime-dependent cloud simulation errors in CMIP5 models using A-Train satellite observations and reanalysis data
Su, H., J. Jiang, C. Zhai, V. Perun, J. Shen, et al
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - CloudSat observations of cloud-type distribution over the Indian summer monsoon region
Subrahmanyam, K. V. and Kumar, K. K.
Ann. Geophys.
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2013 - Characteristics of Tropical Midlevel Clouds Using A-Train Measurements
Sutphin, A.B.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University
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2013 - Tropical Water Vapor Variations During the 2006-07 and 2009-10 El Ninos: Satellite Observation and GFDL AM2.1 Simulation
Takahashi, H., Hui Su, J. H. Jiang, Z. J. Luo, S.-P. Xie, and J. Hafner
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Cloud effects on radiative heating rate profiles over Darwin using ARM and A-train radar/lidar observations
Thorsen, T. J., Q. Fu, and J. M. Comstock
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2013 - Global weather states and their properties from passive and active satellite cloud retrievals.
Tselioudis, G., W.B. Rossow, Y-C. Zhang and D. Konsta
J. Climate
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2013 - A Climatology of Tropical Congests Using CloudSat
Wall, C., C. Liu, and E. Zipser
J. Geophys. Res.
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2013 - Observational characteristics of cloud vertical profiles over the continent of East Asia from the CloudSat data.
Yin, J., Wang, D., Zhai, G., & Wang, Z.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica
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2013 - Diagnosis and testing of low-level cloud parameterizationsnfor the NCEP/GFS model using satellite and ground-based measurements
Yoo, H., Z.Li, Y-T. Hou, S. Lord, F. Weng, and H. Barker
Clim Dyn
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2013 - Cloud-state dependent sampling in AIRS observations based on CloudSat cloud classification
Yue, Q., E. J. Fetzer, B. H. Kahn, S. Wong, G. Manipon, A. Guillaume, and B. Wilson
J. Climate
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2013 - CGILS: Results from the first phase of an international project to understand the physical mechanisms of low cloud feedbacks in single column models
Zhang, M., et al.
J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.
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2012 - Phenomenological Description of Tropical Clouds Using Cloudsat Cloud Classification
Behrangi, A, T. Kubar, B. Lambrigtsen
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2012 - Snowfall-driven mass change on the East Antarctic ice sheet
Boening, C., Matthew Lebsock, Felix Landerer, and Graeme Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2012 - Impact of a cloud thermodynamic phase parameterization based on CALIPSO observations on climate simulation
Cheng, A., K.-M. Xu, Y. Hu, and S. Kato
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Microphysical and macrophysical responses of marine stratocumulus polluted by underlying ships: 2. Impacts of haze on precipitating clouds
Christensen, M. W., and G. L. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Microphysical and macrophysical responses of marine stratocumulus polluted by underlying ships
Christensen, M.W.
PhD Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
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2012 - Sensitivity of cloud liquid water content estimates to the temperature-dependent thermodynamic phase: A global study using cloudsat data
Devasthale A., Thomas M.A.
J. Climate
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2012 - Identification and analysis of atmospheric states and associated cloud properties for Darwin, Australia
Evans, S. M., R. T. Marchand, T. P. Ackerman, and N. Beagley
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Ice hydrometeor profile retrieval algorithm for high frequency microwave radiometers: Application to the CoSSIR instrument during TC4.
Evans, K. F., J. R. Wang, D. O'C Starr, G. Heymsfield, L. Li, L. Tian, R. P. Lawson, A. J. Heymsfield, and A. Bansemer
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2012 - Towards the use of cloud microphysical properties to simulate IASI spectra in an operational context
Faijan, F., L. Lavanant, and F. Rabier
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - The Structure of Low-Altitude Clouds over the Southern Ocean as Seen by CloudSat
Huang, Y., Steven T Siems, Michael J Manton, Luke B Hande, John M Haynes
J. Climate
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2012 - Mixtures of stratospheric and overshooting air measured using A-Train sensors
Iwasaki, S., T. Shibata, H. Okamoto, H. Ishimoto, and H. Kubota
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - The representation of tropical upper tropospheric water in EC Earth V2.
Johnston, M. S., P. Eriksson, S. Eliasson, C. G. Jones, R. M. Forbes, D. P. Murtagh
Clim Dyn
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2012 - Microphysical transition in water clouds over the Amazon and China derived from space-borne radar and radiometer data.
Kawamoto, K., and K. Suzuki
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Characterization of cloud and precipitation features over Southern Baffin Island and adjacent areas during STAR
Laplante A., Henson W., Stewart R.
Atmosphere - Ocean
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2012 - An observationally based evaluation of cloud ice water in CMIP3 and CMIP5 GCMs and contemporary reanalyses using contemporary satellite data
Li, J.-L. F., et al.
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Spatial correlation of hydrometeor occurrence, reflectivity, and rain rate from CloudSat
Marchand, R.
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Observations of Winter-time US West Coast Precipitating Systems with W-band Satellite Radar and Other Spaceborne Instruments
Matrosov, S.Y.
J. Hydrometeor.
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2012 - Cloud Coverage in the Joint OSSE Nature Run
McCarty, W., Ronald M Errico, Ronald Gelaro
Mon. Wea. Rev.
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2012 - Evaluation of precipitation detection over various surfaces from passive microwave imagers and sounders
Munchak, S.J., Skofronick-Jackson, G.
Atmos. Res.
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2012 - Estimating surface longwave radiative fluxes from satellites utilizing artificial neural networks
Nussbaumer, E. A., and R. T. Pinker
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Radiative impacts of cloud heterogeneity and overlap in an atmospheric General Circulation Model
Oreopoulos, L., Lee, D., Sud, Y. C., and Suarez, M. J.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2012 - The global character of the flux of downward longwave radiation
Stephens, G.L., Martin Wild, Paul W. Stackhouse Jr, Tristan L'Ecuyer, Seiji Kato, and David S. Hendersen
J. Climate
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2012 - Where is the level of neutral buoyancy for deep convection?
Takahashi, H. and Z. Luo
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2012 - Liquid water in snowing clouds: Implications for satellite remote sensing of snowfall.
Wang, Y., G. Liu, E.-K. Seo, and Y. Fu
Atmos. Res.
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2012 - Fast and slow timescales in the tropical low-cloud response to increasing CO2 in two climate models
Watanabe, M. , Hideo Shiogama, Masakazu Yoshimori, Tomoo Ogura, Tokuta Yokohata, Hajime Okamoto, Seita Emori, Masahide Kimoto
Clim Dyn
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2012 - Evaluation of Polar WRF forecasts on the Arctic System Reanalysis Domain: 2. Atmospheric hydrologic cycle
Wilson, A. B., D. H. Bromwich, and K. M. Hines
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Documenting hydrometeor layer occurrence within International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project-defined cloud classifications using CLOUDSAT and CALIPSO
Wrenn, Forrest
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH
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2012 - Assessments of cloud liquid water contributions to GPS radio occultation refractivity using measurements from COSMIC and CloudSat
Yang, S., X Zou
J. Geophys. Res.
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2012 - Quantifying the impact of dust on heterogeneous ice generation in midlevel supercooled stratiform clouds
Zhang, D., Z. Wang, A. Heymsfield, J. Fan, D. Liu, and M. Zhao
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2011 - Spatial statistics of likely convective clouds in CloudSat data
Bacmeister, J. T., and G L Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Investigating Cirrus cloud behavior using A-train and geostationary satellite data
Berry, E.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Utah
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2011 - An investigation of atmospheric temperature, humidity and cloud detection technique over the Arctic marine cryosphere
Candlish, L.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Environment and Geology, University of Manitoba
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2011 - Partitioning CloudSat ice water content for comparison with upper tropospheric ice in global atmospheric models
Chen, W.-T., C. P. Woods, J.-L. F. Li, D. E. Waliser, J.-D. Chern, W.-K. Tao, J. H. Jiang, and A. M. Tompkins
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Improved low-cloud simulation from a multiscale modeling framework with a third-order turbulence closure in its cloud-resolving model component
Cheng, A., and K.-M. Xu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Development of a combined CloudSat-CALIPSO cloud mask to show global cloud distribution.
Hagihara, Y, H. Okamoto, R. Yoshida
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Major characteristics of Southern Ocean cloud regimes and their effects on the energy budget
Haynes, J. M., C. Jakob, W. B. Rossow, G. Tselioudis, and J. Brown
J. Climate
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2011 - A new look at the Earth's radiation balance from an A-train observational perspective
Henderson, D. S.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
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2011 - Uncertainty analysis for CloudSat snowfall retrievals
Hiley, Michael J., Kulie, Mark S., Bennartz, Ralf
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2011 - A tropical radiation and cloud system feedback modulated by sea surface temperature
Igel, Matthew R.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
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2011 - Vertical cloud structures of the boreal summer intraseasonal variability based on CloudSat observations and ERA-interim reanalysis
Jiang X., Waliser D.E., Li J.-L., Woods C.
Clim Dyn
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2011 - Using CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite retrievals to evaluate low-level cloud parameterizations in ECHAM5 for cloud-climate feedback implications.
Nam, C.
PhD Thesis, University of Hamburg, Hamburg
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2011 - Evaluation of ice and snow content in the global numerical weather prediction model GME with CloudSat.
Reitter, S., S. Crewell, M. Mech, K. Frohlich, A. Seifert
Geoscientific Model Development
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2011 - Boundary layer and cloud structure controls on tropical low cloud cover using A-Train satellite data and ECMWF analyses
Kubar, Terence L., Waliser, Duane E., Li, J.-L.
J. Climate
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2011 - Detecting the ratio of rain and cloud water in low-latitude shallow marine clouds
Lebsock, Matthew D., L'ecuyer, Tristan S., Stephens, Graeme L.
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2011 - The retrieval of warm rain from CloudSat.
Lebsock, M. D. and T. S. L'Ecuyer, J.
Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Correction to Comparisons of satellites liquid water estimates to ECMWF and GMAO analyses, 20th century IPCC AR4 climate simulations, and GCM simulations
Li, J.-L. F., D. E. Waliser, and J. H. Jiang
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2011 - Intercomparison of deep convection over the Tibetan Plateau-Asian monsoon region and subtropical North America in boreal summer using CloudSat/CALIPSO data
Luo, Y., R. Zhang, W. Qian, Z. Luo, X. Hu
J. Climate
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2011 - Modulation of radiative heating by the Madden-Julian Oscillation and convectively coupled Kelvin waves as observed by CloudSat
Ma, D. and Z. Kuang
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2011 - Characteristics of a persistent pool of inhibited cloudiness and its genesis over the Bay of Bengal associated with the Asian summer monsoon
Nair, A., Kumar, M., Rajeev, K., Sijikumar, S., and Meenu, S.
Ann. Geophys.
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2011 - Comparisons and analyses of wintertime mixed-phase clouds using satellite and aircraft observations.
Noh, Y. J., C. J. Seaman, T. H. Vonder Haar, D. R. Hudak, and P. Rodriguez
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Remote sensing of water cloud properties from MSG/SEVIRI nighttime imagery
Perez, JC, Gonzalez, A, Armas-Padilla, M.
Remote Sensing of Environment
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2011 - Clouds Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation: A new perspective from CloudSat.
Riley, E. M., B. E. Mapes, and S. N. Tulich
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2011 - On the Factors Modulating the Stratocumulus to Cumulus Transitions.
Sandu, I. and Bjorn Stevens
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2011 - Comparison of regime-sorted tropical cloud profiles observed by CloudSat with GEOS5 analyses and two general circulation model simulations
Su, H., J. H. Jiang, J. Teixeira, A. Gettelman, X. Huang, G. Stephens, D. Vane, and V. S. Perun
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Constraining CloudSat-based snowfall profiles using surface observations and C-band ground radar.
Turk F.J., Park K.-W., Haddad Z.S., Rodriguez P., Hudak D.R.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2011 - The three-dimensional distribution of clouds over the Southern Hemisphere high latitudes
Verlinden, K.L., David W. J. Thompson, Graeme L. Stephens
J. Climate
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2011 - The impact of precipitating ice and snow on the radiation balance in global climate models
Waliser, D.E., J.-L. F. Li, T. S. L'Ecuyer, and W.-T. Chen
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2011 - Vertical cloud structures of the boreal summer intraseasonal variability based on CloudSat observations and ERA-interim reanalysis.
Waliser, D., J-L. Li, C. Woods
Clim Dyn
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2011 - Parallax Correction in Collocating CloudSat and MODIS Observations: Method and Application to Convection Study
Wang, C., Z. J. Luo, and X. L. Huang
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - Retrieval of two-layer cloud properties from multispectral observations using optimal estimation
Watts, P. D., R. Bennartz, and F. Fell
J. Geophys. Res.
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2011 - The characterization of deep convection in the tropical tropopause layer using active and passive satellite observations
Young, A.H.
Ph.D. Thesis, School of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Georgia Institute of Technology
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2011 - Relationship between marine boundary layer clouds and lower tropospheric stability observed by AIRS, CloudSat, and CALIOP
Yue, Q., B. H. Kahn, E. J. Fetzer, and J. Teixeira
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Northward bursts of the West African monsoon leading to rainfall over the Hoggar Massif, Algeria
Cuesta, J., C. Lavaysse, C. Flamant, M. Mimouni, and P. Knippertz
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.
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2010 - Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment validation for cirrus cloud profiling retrieval using CloudSat radar and CALIPSO lidar
Deng, M., G. G. Mace, Z. Wang, and H. Okamoto
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - Evaluation of Midlatitude Clouds in a Large-Scale High-Resolution Simulation using CloudSat Observations
Greenwald, T. J., Y.-K. Lee, J. A. Otkin, and T. L'Ecuyer
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - Investigation on the Sulphate-Induced Freezing Inhibition (SIFI) Effect from CloudSat and Calipso Measurements
Grenier, P., and J.-P. Blanchet
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Development of a combined CloudSat/CALIPSO cloud mask to show global cloud distribution
Hagihara, Y., H. Okamoto, R. Yoshida
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Development of a Cloud-Top Height Estimation Method by Geostationary Satellite Split-Window Measurements Trained with CloudSat Data
Hamada, A., and N. Nishi
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2010 - Collocating satellite-based radar and radiometer measurements - methodology and usage examples
Holl, G., S. A. Buehler, B. Rydberg, and C. Jimenez
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2010 - Characteristics of deep convection measured by using the A-train constellation
Iwasaki, S., T. Shibata, J. Nakamoto, H. Okamoto, H. Ishimoto, and H. Kubota
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Multi-Instrument Calibration Method Based on a Multiwavelength Ocean Surface Model
Josset, D., Pelon, J., Hu, Y.
Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.
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2010 - Uncertainties in microwave optical properties of frozen precipitation: Implications for remote sensing and data assimilation
Kulie, M. S., R. Bennartz, T. Greenwald, Y. Chen, and F. Weng
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2010 - Characterization of liquid water content distributions from CloudSat
Lee, S., B. H. Kahn, and J. Teixeira
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Comparison of CloudSat cloud liquid water paths in arctic summer using ground-based microwave radiometer
Liu, S., S. Zhang, G. Heygster
Journal of Ocean University of China
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2010 - Use of A-Train data to estimate convective buoyancy and entrainment rate
Luo, Z. J., G. Y. Liu and G. L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2010 - Cloud properties and radiative forcing over the maritime storm tracks of the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic derived from A-Train
Mace, G. G.
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - CloudSat Precipitation Profiling Algorithm-Model Description
Mitrescu, C., T. L'Ecuyer, J. Haynes, S. Miller, and J. Turk
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.
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2010 - Droplet Growth in Warm Water Clouds Observed by the A-Train. Part II: A Multisensor View
Nakajima, T. Y., K. Suzuki, and G. L. Stephens
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2010 - Cloud vertical distribution across warm and cold fronts in CloudSat-CALIPSO data and a general circulation model
Naud, Catherine M., A.D. Del Genio, M. Bauer, and W. Kovari
J. Climate
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2010 - Assessment of ISCCP cloudiness over the Tibetan Plateau using CloudSat-CALIPSO
Naud, C. M., and Y. Chen
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2010 - Feasibility of Cloud Screening Using Proxy Photon Pathlength Distributions Derived from High-Resolution Spectra in the Near Infrared
O'Brien, D. M., I. Polonsky, P. Stephens, and T. E. Taylor
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.
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2010 - Global analysis of ice microphysics from CloudSat and CALIPSO: incorporation of specular reflection in lidar signals
Okamoto, H., K. Sato, Y. Hagihara
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Deconstructing the precipitation susceptibility construct: Improving methodology for aerosol-cloud precipitation studies
Sorooshian, A., G. Feingold, M. D. Lebsock, H. Jiang, and G. L. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Dreary state ofprecipitation in global models
Stephens, G. L., T. L'Ecuyer, R. Forbes, A. Gettlemen, J.-C. Golaz, A. Bodas-Salcedo, K. Suzuki, P. Gabriel, and J. Haynes
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Particle growth and drop collection efficiency of warm clouds as inferred from joint CloudSat and MODIS observations.
Suzuki, K., T. Y. Nakajima, and G. L. Stephens
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2010 - Cloud-Top Height Variability Associated with Equatorial Kelvin Waves in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during the Mirai Indian Ocean cruise for the Study of the MJO-Convection Onset (MISMO) Campaign
Suzuki, J., M. Fujiwara, A. Hamada, Y. Inai, J. Yamaguchi, R. Shirooka, F. Hasebe, and T. Takano
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2010 - Neural network cloud screening algorithm Part II: global synthetic cases using high resolution spectra in O-2 and CO2 near infrared absorption bands in nadir and sun glint
Taylor, T. E., and D. M. O'Brien
J. Applied Remote Sensing
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2010 - Interaction of tropical deep convection with the large-scale circulation in the Madden-Julian oscillation
Tromeur, E., and W.B. Rossow
J. Climate
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2010 - Synergetic use of POLDER and MODIS for multilayered cloud identification
Yao, Z., Z. Han, Z. Zhao, L. Lin, and X. Fan
Remote Sensing of Environment
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2010 - Global analysis of cloud phase and ice crystal orientation from CALIPSO data using attenuated backscattering and depolarization ratio
Yoshida, R., H. Okamoto, Y. Hagihara and H. Ishimoto
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - A Global View of Mid-level Liquid Layer Topped Stratiform Cloud Distribution and Phase Partition from CALIPSO and CloudSat Measurements
Zhang, D., Z. Wang, and D. Liu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2010 - Evaluation of tropical cloud and precipitation statistics of Community Atmosphere Model version 3 using CloudSat and CALIPSO data
Zhang, Y., S. A. Klein, J. Boyle, and G. G. Mace
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2009 - Retrieval of ice cloud microphysical parameters using the CloudSat millimeter-wave radar and temperature
Austin, R. T., A. J. Heymsfield, and G. L. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Cluster analysis of growing and dissipating cirrus events observed by A-Train and geostationary satellite data.
Dupont, E. J., G. G. Mace, P. Minnis, and R. Palikonda
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2009 - Microphysical and optical properties of Arctic mixed-phase clouds. The 9 April 2007 case study
Gayet, JF.
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2009 - Study of Polar Thin Ice Clouds and Aerosols seen by CloudSat and CALIPSO during mid-winter 2007
Grenier, P., J-P. Blanchet, and R. Munoz-Alpizar
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2009 - Characteristics of Tropical Thin Cirrus Clouds Deduced from Joint CloudSat and CALIPSO Observations
Haladay, T., and G. Stephens
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Terminal Vs transient cumulus congestus: A CloudSat perspective
Luo, Z. , G. Y. Liu, G. L. Stephens, and R. H. Johnson
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - Non-Gaussian Bayesian retrieval of tropical upper tropospheric cloud ice and water vapour from Odin-SMR measurements
Rydberg, B., P. Eriksson, S. A. Buehler, and D. P. Murtagh
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
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2009 - On the precipitation susceptibility of clouds to aerosol perturbations
A. Sorooshian, G. Feingold, M. D. Lebsock, H. Jiang, and G. L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2009 - Assimilating humidity pseudo-observations derived from the cloud profiling radar aboard CloudSat in ALADIN 3D-Var
Storto, A. and F.T. Tveter
Meteorological Applications
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2009 - Neural network cloud screening algorithm Part I: A synthetic case over land surfaces using micro-windows in O-2 and CO2 near infrared absorption bands with nadir viewing
Taylor, T.E. and D.M. O'Brien
J. Applied Remote Sensing
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2009 - Earth's global energy budget.
Trenberth, K. E., J. T. Fasullo, and J. Kiehl
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2009 - Cloud Ice: A Climate Model Challenge With Signs and Expectations of Progress
Waliser, D. E., J. F. Li, C. Woods, R. Austin, J. Bacmeister, J. Chern, A. D. Genio, J. Jiang, Z. Kuang, H. Meng, P. Minnis, S. Platnick, W. B. Rossow, G. Stephens, S. Sun-Mack, W. K. Tao, A. Tompkins, D. Vane, C. Walker, D. Wu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Comparisons of Global Cloud Ice from MLS, CloudSat, and Correlative Data Sets
Wu, D. L., R. T. Austin, M. Deng, S. L. Durden, A. J. Heymsfield, J. H. Jiang, A. Lambert, J.-L. Li, N. J. Livesey, G. M. McFarquhar, J. V. Pittman, G. L. Stephens, S. Tanelli, D. G. Vane, and D. E. Waliser
J. Geophys. Res.
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2009 - Study of polar thin ice clouds and aerosols seen by CloudSat and CALIPSO during midwinter 2007
Patrick Grenier,Jean-Pierre Blanchet,Rodrigo Muñoz-Alpizar
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
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2008 - A Comparison between CloudSat and Aircraft Data for a Multi-layer, Mixed-Phase Cloud System during the Canadian CloudSat-CALIPSO validation project
Barker, H. W., A. V. Korolev, D. R. Hudak, J. W. Strapp, K. B. Strawbridge, and M. Wolde
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Representing Cloud Overlap with an Effective Decorrelation Length: An Radiative Assessment using CloudSat and CALIPSO Data
Barker, H. W.
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Identifying multiple-scattering affected profiles in CloudSat observations over the Oceans
Battaglia, A., J. Haynes, T.S. L'Ecuyer, and C. Simmer
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Validation of the Community Radiative Transfer Model by using CloudSat data
Chen, Y., F. Weng, Y. Han, Q. Liu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Comparison between early Odin-SMR, Aura MLS and CloudSat retrievals of cloud ice mass in the upper tropical troposphere
Eriksson, P, M. Ekstr¨om, B. Rydberg, D. L. Wu, R. T. Austin, and D. P. Murtagh
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2008 - Remote sensing of tropical tropopause layer radiation balance using A-train measurements
Feldman, D. R., T.S. L'Ecuyer, K. N. Liou, and Y. L. Yung
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Remote sensing of radiative fluxes and heating rates from satellite instrument measurements.
Feldman, Daniel Robert
Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology
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2008 - Validation of the CloudSat precipitation occurrence algorithm using the Canadian C band radar network
Hudak, D., P. Rodriguez, and N. Donaldson
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Cloud type comparisons of AIRS, CloudSat, and CALIPSO cloud height and amount
Kahn, B.T., , M. T. Chahine , G. L. Stephens , G. G. Mace , R. T. Marchand , Z. Wang , C. D. Barnet , A. Eldering , R. E. Holz , R. E. Kuehn , and D. G. Vane
Atmos. Chem. Phys.
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2008 - Multisensor satellite observations of aerosol effects on warm clouds
Lebsock M. D., G. L. Stephens, C. Kummerow
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Impact of clouds on the atmospheric heating based on the R04 CloudSat fluxes and heating rates data set
L'Ecuyer, T.S., N. B. Wood, T. Haladay, G. L. Stephens, and P.W. Stackhouse Jr.
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Climatology of drizzle in marine boundary layer clouds based on one year of data from CloudSat and Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO)
Leon, D. C., Z. Wang, and D. Liu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Deriving snow cloud characteristics from CloudSat observations
Liu, G.
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - CloudSat Adding New Insights into Tropical Convection
Luo, Z., G. Liu and G.L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - Vertical cloud properties in the tropical western Pacific Ocean: Validation of the CCSR/NIES/FRCGC GCM by shipborne radar and lidar
Okamoto, H., T. Nishizawa, T. Takemura, K. Sato, H. Kumagai, Y. Ohno, N. Sugimoto, A. Shimizu, I. Matsui, and T. Nakajima
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Global distribution of cirrus clouds from CloudSat/Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) measurements
Sassen, K., Z. Wang, and D. Liu
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - Classifying Clouds Around the Globe with the CloudSat Radar: 1-Year of Results
Sassen, K, and Z. Wang
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2008 - CloudSat's Cloud Profiling Radar after 2 years in orbit: performance, external calibration, and processing
Tanelli, S., S.L. Durden, E. Im, K.S. Pak, D. Reinke, P. Partain, R. Marchand and J. Haynes
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.
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2008 - Evaluating CloudSat ice water content retrievals using a cloud resolving model: Sensitivities to frozen particle properties
Woods, C., D. E. Waliser, J.-L. F. Li, R. T. Austin, G.L. Stephens, and D. G. Vane
J. Geophys. Res.
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2008 - A documentation study of antarctic cloudiness from CloudSat and CALIPSO satellite data
Argo, K.L.
M.S. Thesis, Department of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University
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2007 - Tropical oceanic cloudiness and the incidence of precipitation: Early results from CloudSat
Haynes, J. and G.L. Stephens
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2007 - Refinements to ice particle mass dimensional and terminal velocity relationships for ice clouds: Part II: Evaluation and parameterizations of ensemble ice particle sedimentation velocities
Heymsfield, A. J., A. Bansemer, and C. Twohy
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2007 - Cloud and Precipitation Parameterizations in Modeling and Variational Data Assimilation: A Review
Lopez, P.
J. Atmos. Sci.
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2007 - Vertical cloud structure observed from shipborne radar and lidar, Part (I) : mid-latitude case study during the MR01/K02 cruise of the R/V Mirai
Okamoto, H., T. Nishizawa, T. Takemura, H. Kumagai, H. Kuroiwa, N. Sugimoto, I. Matsui, A. Shimizu, A. Kamei, S. Emori, and T. Nakajima
J. Geophys. Res.
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2007 - Comparisons of AIRS, MODIS, CloudSat and CALIPSO cloud top height retrievals
Weisz, E., J. Li, W. P. Menzel, A.K. Heidinger, B.H. Kahn, C-Y Liu
Geophys. Res. Lett.
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2007 - Evaluating CloudSat Ice Water Retrievals Using a Cloud Resolving Model: Sensitivities to Frozen Particle Properties and Implications for Model-Data Comparisons
Woods, C. P., D. Waliser, F. Li, R. Austin, G. Stephens, D. Vane, W. Tao, and A. Tompkins
EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union
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2007 - CloudSat: Adding a new dimension to a classical view of extratropical cyclones
Posselt, D, G.L Stephens and M Miller
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2006 - The Three Dimensional Distribution of Global Cloudiness Derived From Cloudsat; The June- July-August 2006 Period
Mace, G., R. Marchand, G. Stephens, Q. Zhang, and S. Klein
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - Characterization of Ze and LDR of nonspherical and inhomogeneous ice particles for 95-GHz cloud radar: Its implication to microphysical retrievals
Sato, K., and H. Okamoto
J. Geophys. Res.
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2006 - Exploiting MLS and CloudSat Data to Support Weather and Climate Model Development and Validation: Applications to Upper Tropospheric Cloud Processes
Waliser, D. D., J. F. Li, J. Jiang, D. Wu, G. Stephens, D. Vane, A. Tompkins, J. Chern, and M. Khairoutdinov
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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2006 - Characteristics of upper-tropospheric cloud ice as revealed by MLS, TRMM, CloudSat, and ECMWF analyses
Wu, D. L., R. T. Austin, J. H. Jiang, J. Li, A. J. Heymsfield, G. L. Stephens, D. G. Vane, and D. E. Waliser
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006
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