CloudSat Product Stats - Algorithm Developer Edition
Product Availability: Full mission availability except for anomalies and maneuver data gaps.
27 Jan 2015 East Coast Blizzard
The CloudSat Snow Profile product (2C-SNOW-PROFILE) provides estimates of vertical profiles of snowfall rate along with snow size distribution parameters and snow water content for radar reflectivity profiles observed by the CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) which, based on an evaluation of the profile and ancillary data, appear to coincide with snow at the surface. For these profiles, the product also estimates snowfall rate at the surface. Because of ground clutter, the CPR cannot reliably measure reflectivities near the surface. To overcome this limitation, the product algorithm estimates snow properties using a truncated reflectivity profile, terminated somewhat above the surface, then uses the estimated snow properties in the bottom-most portion of the profile to estimate the surface snowfall rate. For the truncated reflectivity profile, profiles of size distribution parameters are retrieved using an optimal estimation algorithm which incorporates a priori information about snow microphysical properties, radar scattering properties, and size distribution parameters. Retrievals are performed only for profiles which appear likely to contain snow at the surface, either dry snow or snow with a small melted mass fraction. The retrieved size distribution parameter profiles and the a priori information are then used to calculate profiles of snowfall rates and snow water contents. The optimal estimation method produces uncertainty estimates for the retrieved size distribution parameters, and these uncertainties are then used to estimate uncertainties for the snowfall rates and snow water contents.

Primary Publications

Process Description and Interface Control Document (PDICD)

File Name Last Modified
2C-SNOW-PROFILE P_R04 PDICD (574.68 KB) February 10, 2013

Algorithm Specifications

Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
UINT(1) nray -- 0 to 127 1 0
UINT(1) nray -- 0 to 127 1 0
UINT(1) nray -- 0 to 81 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray -- -1 to 2 -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray -- -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray -- 2 to 8 -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray -- 1 to 2 -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray -- -999 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray mm/h -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray mm/h -999 == 1 0
INT(1) nray -- -1 to 4 -1 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray mm/h -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray mm/h -999 == 1 0
INT(1) nray -- -128 to 127 0 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray g/m^3 -999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nbin,nray g/m^3 -999 == 1 0
Popup Type Dimensions Units Range Missing Miss Op Factor Offset
INT(2) nray meters -9999 to 8850 9999 == 1 0
INT(2) nbin,nray m -5000 to 30000 -9999 == 1 0
REAL(4) nray degrees -90 to 90 1 0
REAL(4) nray degrees -180 to 180 1 0
REAL(4) nray seconds 0 to 6000 1 0
REAL(8) <scalar> seconds 0 to 6e+008 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> seconds 0 to 86400 1 0
REAL(4) <scalar> m to -9999 == 1 0

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CloudSat releases algorithm uncertainty study

September 1, 2016
The CloudSat algorithm development leads have completed a synthesis of algorithm uncertainties. The synopsis describes the known uncertainties in the Cloudsat algorithms and provides the relevant technical and peer reviewed references for data end-users. The algorithm development team plans to update the document periodically as new data releases become available.


2C-SNOW-PROFILE released to the CloudSat Science Team

February 10, 2013
The CloudSat DPC has released to the CloudSat Science Team the R04 version of the 2C-SNOW-PROFILE (snow water content and snowfall rate) product. After a short review period of approximately two weeks the product will be released to the general science community.
All data users are asked to review the updated documentation available on the CloudSat DPC website. In addition, we ask that you report any anomalies or questions about the product to the DPC at cloudsat@cira.colostate.edu before the review period has ended.
If you have any questions concerning the ordering process, contact the DPC at cloudsat@cira.colostate.edu

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Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
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2016 - Toward improving ice water content and snow rate retreivals from radars. Part I: X and W bands, emphasizing CloudSat
Heymsfield, A., S.Y. Matrosov and N.B. Wood.
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2016 - A shallow cumuliform snowfall census using spaceborne radar
Kulie, M. S., L. Milani, N. B. Wood, S. A. Tushaus, R. Bennartz, and T. S. L'Ecuyer
J. Hydrometeor.
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2016 - Evaluation of current and projected Antarctic precipitation in CMIP5 models
Palerme, C., Genthon, C., Claud, C., Kay, J. E., Wood, N. B. and T. L'Ecuyer
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2016 - Status of high-latitude precipitation estimates from observations and reanalyses
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2015 - A climatology of the precipitation over the southern ocean as observed at macquarie island.
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