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Office of Inspector General

Welcome to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Office of Inspector General (OIG) homepage. The OIG mission is to detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse, and violations of law and to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the operations of the FEC. The OIG strives, as an agent of positive change, to promote improvements in the management of FEC programs and operations by independently conducting audits, evaluations and investigations. In addition, the OIG keeps the Commission and Congress informed regarding major developments associated with our work. The OIG’s accomplishments are reported semiannually to the Commission and Congress.

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Lynne A. McFarland, Inspector General

Photo of FEC Inspector General Lynne A. McFarland

Ms. Lynne A. McFarland was appointed by the Federal Election Commission to serve as the agency's first permanent Inspector General on February 9, 1990. She has continued to serve in that position for more than twenty-four years.

Ms. McFarland was responsible for establishing the Office of Inspector General (OIG) in the Federal Election Commission from the ground up. This required staffing the office with the appropriate skill sets, ensuring the necessary policies and procedures were created, and creating an initial audit/work universe. As with all IGs, she has dual reporting responsibilities to Congress and the head of the agency, in this instance six presidentially appointed Commissioners.

Ms. McFarland has been actively involved in the Inspector General community, serving on the committee that provided the groundwork for the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) operations once the Inspector General Reform Act was passed by Congress and signed by the President. She is a past Vice Chair of the Professional Development Committee and is currently a member of the committee. Ms. McFarland also served as CIGIE Vice Chair from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014.

Ms. McFarland is Chair of the Inspector General Recommendation Panel which receives resumes from those interested in presidentially or agency appointed inspector general positions. The panel reviews the resumes, along with a questionnaire all applicants are asked to complete, and forwards those applicants to the White House Office of Personnel that would appear to be qualified candidates for their consideration. The panel also provides assistance to those agencies that select their own IGs through their competitive process.

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Audit Reports

Inspection and Special Review Reports

Semiannual Reports

The Federal IG Community