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RIP EPA. I never knew how good I had it. I always assumed you would be there to protect my interests when the going got tough. I rested peacefully in the knowledge that science and fact would win over in the end, and all the noise was just nonsense. I was wrong. I don't know what we'll do without you, but whatever it is, I'm sure they'll be plenty of smog to keep us warm. People have the wrong idea about you. They've been twisted and lied to for so long, they don't know which way is up, and what's hot or cold. I studied atmospheric science because I was fascinated and in love with it. But now, as I look at everybody and their own "facts" it gives me so much ire and disdain, to know how to actually interpret the data. RIP EPA. Thank you for all you have done, and have tried to do for us.

Robin Ballou reviewed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency1 star
4 hrs

I would select a zero if I could. Allowing Round up to be sold in our country. We can't even protect ourselves in our own yards from neighbors who spray. Funny no one can smoke near us but man go ahead and douse your neighbors with neurotoxins. Amazing!!!! Allowing bee killing poisons to be sprayed citing they won't do anything despite the large amount of evidence that this is effecting our bee populations. Disgusting. Neurological and brain disorders are on the rise and I am not sure how you all go to sleep at night knowing you are not speaking up for the health of our children, the earth and all that reside here. Shame on you all.

You have had complaints on Tommy Amburn and Amburn A/c in Livingston Texas before and you continue to allow him to release refrigerant into the atmosphere. He installed our system brand new, the valve leaked that day, they tightened and charged it. 4 times now they have had to come back and all they do is recharge it knowing it is a bad valve leaking refrigerant. He now refuses to do anything saying not his problem and he did not contract with us but the Mobil Home place we bought the home from. He has knowingly, willfully released refrigerant and laughed at your laws

Bobbie Gustafson reviewed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency2 star
1 hr

When geoengineering seems to be ignored by the EPA, it makes me wonder if all your efforts for clean water, air, and soil are not sincere. It seems that as long as this issue is ignored, all other efforts are in vain, if not deceptive. When will you address this? I have allergies, and when those planes are flying and spreading chemicals throughout the sky, breathing becomes more difficult, I have to use my inhaler more often. What say you?

I can't help but think that the EPA under Trump might be more willing (i.e. reasonable) in their approach to pushing ethanol (which damages older engines) down our throats. My guess is that the EPA's recently released Renewable Fuel Standards will be reviewed and altered under Trump. While we all want clean water, air, land, etc - I really hope the days of the EPA abusing their power (i.e. once rain puddles on your land they think they have control over it) are coming to an end!

Jennifer Lowry Sample reviewed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency2 star

I have always been a supporter of the EPA, but I have to question the next step of dissolving the Office of Children's Health Protection. We are not done and imbedding the staff will not work as children's voices will be lost. With the Pediatric Environmental Health Protection Speciality Units and the fellowships to train experts in environmental, now, more than ever is when we need to prevent the adverse health effects to environmental exposures. Bad form...

Chris Beetham reviewed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency1 star

The EPA started off as a well intentioned agency that could have done some real good. Shame it had turned into a liberal run partisan hell hole where common sense goes to die. Best thing for this country would be to fire every one of you and start from scratch .

Thursday December 8, 2016 7am Central.
My workplace had CO exposure on Monday,December 5, 2016. Heating system has been repaired and CO levels now safe. Staff returning today.

I have searched your website for effects of CO on food and drink with no luck. Food and drink was left out in the workplace when it was evacuated on 12/5.


Should food and drink, coffee in coffeemaker for example, be thrown out or does CO not get into these?
Thanks. Marcia Donovan.

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Michael T Hill reviewed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency1 star

The time has come (finally) to slash the budget, mission, and staff of this hated, wasteful, and overbearing agency which bases it's onerous and burdensome regulatory decrees on faked or, at best, poorly-conducted "science." Very good and final riddance to McCarthy, the worst, most incompetent, ignorant, and arrogant administrator ever to head the EPA.

I have been trying to find out about diesel engine certification for 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee (eco Diesel motor) that I purchased in September and is yet to be delivered. All the information is that the EPA has to certify the engine. Not when, not where....basically no information.
Where do I find out this information? I have been told by the customer service at Jeep is that this is the process. the EPA and Jeep are treating their customers horribly.