NSIDC People

People at NSIDC are key to our data management and scientific missions. NSIDC includes specialists in data program management, scientific research, scientific programming, data operations, data systems, Web technology, information architecture, Center administration, communications, outreach, and user services.

You can view profiles of most NSIDC people from our LinkedIn page.

NSIDC Director Mark Serreze, Senior Research Scientist

Mark Serreze

Mark Serreze is the director of NSIDC. In 2009, he succeeded Dr. Roger Barry, who retired from the post in 2008 after 31 years of service. Serreze, a senior research scientist at NSIDC since 2005, is also a full professor in the University of Colorado at Boulder Geography Department, a Fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), and an American Meteorological Society Fellow. He studies Arctic climate, and the causes and global implications of climate change in the Arctic. Serreze is well known for his research on the declining sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean.

Serreze has authored more than 90 scientific publications, including an award-winning textbook, The Arctic Climate System, which he co-wrote with former NSIDC director Roger Barry. He has also served on numerous advisory boards and science steering committees. In 2004, he testified before the U.S. Congress on changes in Arctic sea ice cover. In 2007, Serreze gave the Nye Lecture at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union.

For more on Mark Serreze and his research, as well as other NSIDC researchers, please see Scientists at NSIDC.

Scientists at NSIDC

NSIDC Scientists have expertise in a range of fields related to the cryosphere. Read about their research specialties and projects in the Research section of our site.

Management at NSIDC

The National Snow and Ice Data Center encompasses several data centers, data management programs, and data projects. Specialized data managers lead these programs and projects, and provide shared services and infrastructure to all constituents of NSIDC.

NSIDC management are versed in sound data management practices, and are often active in community dialogue and research regarding data management. Each person brings unique education, experiences, and interests to NSIDC's data management portfolio, ensuring best practices within the Center and shared among programs.

Title Professional Title/Organization Specialties
Mark Serreze

NSIDC Director
Professor, Department of Geography, University of Colorado Boulder
CIRES Fellow
American Meteorological Society Fellow

Arctic climate; global implications; and climate warming in the Arctic

Jane Beitler

Manager, Science Communications

Service leadership; communications strategy; editing; outreach; print publications; science writing; technical writing; user services; Web user interface design

Florence Fetterer

Principal Investigator, NOAA @ NSIDC

Sea ice; applications-oriented remote sensing; data rescue; data set development

David Gallaher

Manager, Technical Services

Big Data analytics, satellite remote sensing, spatial-temporal information systems, large scale database integration, raster and vector GIS, satellite system development, production data systems, data center energy efficiency, contract administration, organizational structures, work plans, project management, prioritization methodologies, and IT best practices.

Kate Heightley

Manager, Software Development

Team engagement, Ÿsoftware process definition and implementation and Improvement, schedule management,Ÿ budget planning and management,Ÿ enterprise architecture and technologies, Ÿagile and test driven development Ÿ

Brian Johnson

Manager, NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)

Remote sensing, data analysis, and science data management

Amanda Leon

Deputy Manager, NASA Distributed Active Archive Center

Data management and administration

Joni "J" Reeves

Finance and Human Resources Administrator

Finance, grants, and human resources.

Ted Scambos

Senior Research Scientist
Lead Scientist for NSIDC Science Team

Glaciology; remote sensing of the poles; climate change effects on the cryosphere; Antarctic history; geochemistry; and planetary science

Donna Scott

Programs and Projects Manager

Steve Tanner

IceBridge Project Manager

Project management, data systems development, data visualization and analysis systems