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Publications Issues, Conditions, & Disorders HIV & AIDS SMA12-4033
HIV/AIDS: Is Your Adult Client at Risk?

HIV/AIDS: Is Your Adult Client at Risk?

A Pocket Tool for Substance Abuse Treatment Providers Based on TIP 37

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Provides quick tips to help substance abuse treatment providers talk to clients about HIV/AIDS risk assessment and reduction. Guidelines include questions to help providers raise client awareness of risky behavior and ways to change behaviors to prevent HIV.

Pub id: SMA12-4033
Publication Date: 1/2005
Popularity: 166
Format: Guidelines or Manual
Audience: Professional Care Providers

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06/07/2012 2:28 AM

Anonymous customer said:

HIV/AIDS is your client at risk was of special interest to me because a lot of drug addicts especially women and men who sell drugs exchange sex for drugs. These particular culture of people tend to minimize putting themselves and others at risk for spreading HIV/AIDS. Also their is a high risk for IUD injection drug usage with those who use powder cocaine, heroin,and methamphetamines. It is important for substance abuse providers to learn effective tools to assist and challenge clients to adopt behaviors to enhance prevention concepts to reduce clients risk for HIV/AIDS.