Habitat News

Muskegon Lake AOC.  Photo credit:  Liz Mountz.

NOAA Protects Wetlands in Muskegon Lake Area of Concern

Content for this article written by NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management.  Please contact Elizabeth.Mountz@noaa.gov for more information. NOAA is working with local partners to invest in the Muskegon Lake Area of Concern (AOC), bringing it closer to the goal of delisting by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Delisting occurs when all management actions […]

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Educators on board the Sultana  introduce students from Dorchester County, Maryland, to the Choptank River. (Photo: NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office)

Students Experience Choptank Habitat Focus Area

“CHOP!” “TANK!” “CHOP!” “TANK!” The voices—“Chop” from Sultana Education Foundation educators, “tank” from Sandy Hill Elementary School fifth-graders—echoed across the waters off Cambridge, Maryland, as they hoisted sails on the Sultana on a cool October morning. Having teamed up to provide the sail power, enabling the Sultana to tack across the […]

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