The American Doctor Shortage

It’s coming. It matters. It’s time to act.
visit the future

This is the tale of a not-too-distant future, one where our country looks quite a bit different...

Our population is aging and growing.
Demand for health care has never been
greater. And federal funding for doctor training remains at 1997 levels...

Resulting in a shortage of as many as 90,000 doctors.

Anna’s story

A young doctor’s future — told in three parts

episode 1:

the beginning

Will you help stop the Doctor Shortage?
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Our story begins with a fateful train ride that changes Anna Corral’s life forever.

episode 2:

door to the er

Will you help stop the Doctor Shortage?
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It’s April 2025, Midville University Hospital. The waiting room is packed, patients are growing restless, and Dr. Anna Corral is getting ready for the long day ahead.

episode 3:

code blue

Will you help stop the Doctor Shortage?
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The stark reality of the doctor shortage becomes all too apparent when Anna meets her newest patient.

The waiting room

The doctor shortage — seen through the eyes of the people it hurts most

It’s 2025...
and Waiting rooms are as
crowded as they’ve ever been.

Appointments are hard to come by,
and there just aren’t enough
doctors to go around.

woman in hospital bed

Something didn’t feel right, but i couldn’t get in to see my cardiologist...

man with bad back

I wonder when I’ll find out what’s wrong.

woman with broken leg in wheel chair

I’ve waited weeks to see a doctor. I feel even worse now than I did before.

But it didn’t have
to be like this...

...because we saw this coming.

the reality

  • Our population is growing and getting older.
  • We need to increase federal funding for doctor training.
  • And congress has the power to make it happen.

Every doctor needs to
complete residency training.

But funding for residency
training has effectively
been frozen since 1997.

If congress doesn’t
increase that funding, the
American Doctor Shortage
won’t be a story...

It will become
our reality.

U.S. Capitol building
It’s time for elected officials in washington to step up

And it’s time
for us to make them do it.

Make your voice heard

Stand up for Americans’ access to care. Help stop the doctor shortage.
Say you’re ready to fight.

Dear Member of Congress:

Every single American has faced a time when he, she, or a loved one is sick, injured, and in need of a doctor’s care.

For most people, this isn’t a problem today — in fact, we can sometimes take the ability to see a doctor when we need one for granted. But unless Congress acts to increase federal support for training doctors, there soon won’t be enough to provide the care that people need.

The facts are simple: Our population is aging. It is also growing. Demand for medical care is higher than ever — and in fact, medical schools have been expanding enrollment to meet this demand. Yet since 1997, federal support for graduate medical education (GME), the training every doctor needs before they can practice independently, has effectively been frozen.

If you do not act to expand support for GME, America will face a shortage of as many as 90,000 physicians by 2025. And because it takes at least seven years to train a doctor, the time to act is right now.

As an American voter, I urge you to vote to expand funding for residency training. We simply cannot keep America healthy without enough doctors.


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protecting access to care

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