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Publications Issues, Conditions, & Disorders Anxiety Disorders & Phobias SMA12-PHYDE061312
Behavioral Health - Evidence-Based Treatment and Recovery Practices

Behavioral Health - Evidence-Based Treatment and Recovery Practices

Presentation by Administrator Hyde, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, June 13, 2012 (Slides)

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Explores the relationship of behavioral health to overall health and the magnitude of suicide in the nation. Also discusses the value of evidence-based treatment and recovery programs for people affected by mental illness or substance abuse disorders.

Pub id: SMA12-PHYDE061312
Publication Date: 6/2012
Popularity: Not ranked
Format: Presentation
Audience: Researchers, Professional Care Providers
Series: Administrator Pam Hyde's Presentations
Population Group: People with Substance Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group, People with Physical Disabilities, People with Alcohol Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group, People with Mental Health Problems as Population Group

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Comment by:

08/12/2012 3:55 PM

A Person Seeking Help said:

Mother of 2 & I know I can do better....

Comment by:

01/06/2013 1:53 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

It conveys a helpful, important message. Unfortunately, some of the prevalence/ severity statistics are not presented in a way that permits comparison (i.e., if you have one stat on a slide using absolute numbers, the other ones on that slide should all use absolute numbers; the same for percentages, etc.). Also, the causes of death (behavioral health [alcohol & drug plus suicide] versus physical health) slide is very unclear and no doubt conflates various causes & effects. For instance, drug & alcohol use can lead directly and indirectly to a number of physical health problems (as an earlier slide points out), including some of the ones listed under physical health as a point of comparison. I would tidy up and clarify that sort of thing. Also, especially after the stats part of the presentation ends, there are many typos.