Press Releases

January 2017
VA Exempts Critical Personnel from Hiring Freeze Following Pressure from Collins, King
In Lincoln, King Hears Warnings of How Maine Rural Hospitals Will Suffer From Repeal of Affordable Care Act
King Joins National Laboratory Officials & UMaine to Launch Innovative Partnership to Grow Maine’s Economy
King Joins Fellow Intelligence Committee Members in Encouraging President to Read 2014 Torture Report
Collins, King Join Bipartisan Congressional Letter Calling for Exemption of Federal Hiring Freeze for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard & Navy Shipyards Around the Country
Sens. Collins, Warner Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Authorize Delayed VA Medical Leases
At King’s Request, Education & VA Departments Move to Assist Disabled Veterans
In Budget Committee, King Warns Against Shifting Debt on to Future Generations
King, Burr Unite to Renew Push for Affordable Childcare
Collins, King Announce $200,000 in Rebates for New School Buses in Kennebunk and Sullivan
King Votes to Confirm Nominees for Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security
King Statement on the Inauguration of the President
At King’s Urging, DOE Nominee Rick Perry Commits to Visiting Maine to Survey Energy Partnerships
Maine Congressional Delegation Applauds Department of Commerce Findings in Favor of Auburn Manufacturing, Inc.
King Votes to Send Defense Secretary Nomination to Full Senate
Sens. Collins, King Welcome Madawaska Band to Washington, D.C.
King Named Ranking Member of Armed Services Airland Subcommittee
Collins, King, Poliquin Stand with Auburn Manufacturer in Trade Dispute with China
Maine Congressional Delegation Welcomes Economic Development Assessment Team Report to Strengthen Maine’s Forest Economy
King Statement on Commutation of Chelsea Manning, Pardon of James Cartwright
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