Environmental Law Program


The Sierra Club is the nation's leader in grassroots environmental litigation. We enforce the environmental laws and target the most pressing issues of our generation, such as climate change, fracking and tar sands, through strategic legal advocacy at the federal, state and local level nationwide.

Our Work

The Environmental Law Program directs legal strategy for the Sierra Club's priority campaigns, including Beyond Coal, Beyond Oil and Our Wild America. We litigate cases and coordinate legal work among campaigns, state level chapters and NGO coalitions.


As the Sierra Club's mission statement says: "explore, enjoy and protect the planet." We are a proud team of diverse legal professionals committed to enforcing the law and saving the natural world.

Blog Posts

Lakota Sioux marcher at Standing Rock (Oceti Sakowin) camp after the Army Corps of Engineers' denied a permit for the Dakota Access pipeline to tunnel under Lake Oahe. Photo by Brian Nevins.

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Time and again, the Sierra Club has witnessed EPA nominee Scott Pruitt’s self-serving agenda at work in Oklahoma, where, as state attorney general, Pruitt has repeatedly partnered...

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