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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Training & Education FAQs page is intended to help you find answers to some of the most common questions we receive from trainers, miners, mine operators and contractors. If you still have questions after reviewing the list of FAQs, please feel free to contact MSHA at mshatraining@dol.gov and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

For Trainers

You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number) here.

Through MSHA's State Grants program, individuals may receive MSHA instructor certification. You will find a list of the MSHA Grants programs, whom you may then contact directly for certification information.

For Miners

Mine operators often provide their own training. Training is also provided by organizations under a grant program funded through MSHA. A list of state grantees can be found here.

All miners’ training must be recorded on MSHA Form 5000-23 (or an approved alternate) and a copy must be provided to the miner upon completion or request. MSHA does not maintain copies of these records. Copies of training certificates must be maintained by the operator during employment and for 60 days after termination of employment.

Under 30 CFR Part 48, an individual who receives 40 hours of training and works for 12 months as an underground miner is considered an "experienced miner." Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA rules require that any experienced miner who has been away from mining for more than five years receive 8 hours of "experienced miner" training before returning to the mine. If you do not have the 12 months of mining experience, you will need to receive 40 hours of "new miner" training. Some States have additional training requirements for miners. You may want to contact the appropriate agency in your State regarding specific requirements. Our web site has a listing of state agency contacts.

For Mine Operators

Review the training plan to ensure it addresses the current conditions at the mine. Additionally, you will need to provide experienced miner training. Please contact EFSMS if you would like assistance with evaluating your training plan or have additional questions pertaining to the type of training that will be required.

30 CFR Part 46 defines a miner as any person who is engaged in "mining operations," which is: mine development, drilling, blasting, extraction, milling, crushing, screening, or sizing of minerals at a mine; maintenance and repair of mining equipment; and associated haulage of materials within the mine from these activities. Employees who only work in the scale house are not considered miners under 30 CFR Part 46. They are not required to receive new miner or annual refresher training, however, they should receive appropriate site-specific hazard awareness training (30 CFR Section 46.11) for their job.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration's regulation requires that an individual capable of providing first aid be available on all shifts. The person must be currently trained and able to perform patient assessment and artificial respiration, control bleeding, and treat shock, wounds, burns, and musculoskeletal injuries. (30 CFR Section 56.18010)

Yes, it may be incorporated into your Part 46 training program. It should be listed in your training plan, along with the name of the competent person who will conduct the training. The Mine Safety and Health Administration encourages mine operators to revisit their training plans on an annual basis and make changes to meet the needs of your employees. One year, for example, you may want to use six of the eight hours of annual refresher training to provide first aid training for all of your employees. The following year, it might be more appropriate to have one hour recap on first aid training and use the remaining hours for other topics, such as accident prevention, hazard recognition, or health hazards.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) does not have a regulation requiring that an equipment operator have a valid state driver's license to operate mobile equipment on mine property. MSHA does, however, require that the equipment operator be properly trained in the safe operation of the piece of equipment and that the training be documented.

PIB: Program Information Bulletin. Information bulletins provide information of a temporary nature; they do not provide policy or procedural instructions. Information bulletins do not have an effective date or an expiration date; a bulletin is intended to be kept as long as each recipient needs it. When it is no longer needed, it may be destroyed.

PIL and PPL: Procedure Instruction Letter and Program Policy Letter. Policy letters state agency policy, meaning an interpretation or clarification of a regulation. Policy letters are temporary supplements to the Program Policy Manual (PPM).

PILs and PPLs are intended for the mining community as well as MSHA enforcement personnel and, therefore, are distributed to both groups.

Copies of PIBs, PILs, PPLs and PPM are located on the MSHA Compliance Information page.

For Contractors

Mapping and surveying work is not considered mining, as defined under the 30 CFR Part 46 regulations (refer to 30 CFR Section 46.2). At each operation you visit, however, the mine operator is required to provide you with site-specific "hazard awareness training" before you begin any work. This training will vary depending on the work you will be performing, the length of time you will be at that mine site, and the amount and types of mine hazards you may be exposed to while working at the mine.

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