This afternoon, I joined House Democrats at a press conference urging House Republican leadership to bring the Senate-passed unemployment insurance extension to the House Floor for a vote.
Matt Joseph's profile photoshiiquianu brunson Hankins's profile photoKelven Burks's profile photoRobert Carr's profile photo
How about we do what is possible to create jobs. Stop sweeping the real problem under the carpet and get to freeing the hands of the economy.
How many years is this gonna keep getting extended? Enough is enough. This country is broke. 
+Matt madonio That is funny United States Broke,did you know that there has been always been dept only twice since WW1 have we had a surplus that is how GDP works, stop the bull
+Robert Carr when you are borrowing money from yourself, when you are making money out of thin air ( quantitative easing) to keep your economy and currency afloat you might be broke. 
Make a job. Do SOMETHING other than sit home and suck off my taxes! Crap! I'm going to quit and go on welfare. You should hear some of the people getting benefits. Free phone, etc. I freaking can't believe it. AND, my medical insurance I've had for ten years - got cancelled! now I pay MORE for LESS coverage. Socialists! Get a clue.
dude I don't know who you think you talkin to with all that crap, benefits
for lower-income peoples been caught four years and assholes like you keep
cutting them. I am a disabled vet and I cannot work so I suppose you think
I should live in the street to asshole. wake up and get a life
+Robert Carr Good luck and don't let these trolls get under your skin. No one can reason with these douchebags on the internet. 
If your a disabled veteran then you earned your benefits. We are not talking about cutting those (at least I'm not). 
it is tough because I am NOT collecting benefits, I have applied for Social
Security benefits a year ago and still have not heard anything from the
Social Security office. no acceptance or denial just in limbo, I have
signed up for VA benefits but they take a year to 18 months to resolve. I
have seizure disorder and can't do much for very long at all. my wife works
part time because she has to check up on me so often. I tried to sign up
for welfare but there is no cash assistance only food stamps which were
cut. now if I had babies which I do not I would receive something, I've
worked all my life answer my country proudly.. I am NOT someone who wants
to suck off the system but I do need the help. the only hope I get is not
from my country but my church. the little food I do get does help what is
far from what I need. just praying that social security comes through for
me in my time of need, and stop all this red tape crap.. I do agree
something needs to be done about people that suck of the system for no
reason. but I don't believe in kicking a person wonder down..
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